Yes, but just a quick hit. As found the H was at 1 1/2 turns so I turned it down. The L was already at 3/4 so I just put it back where I found it. I was in the middle of preparing supper at6 the time so I didn't take the time to fire it up. Maybe in the morning since I need to be outside to get the rest of my mowing done anyway. I really hate the heat we get here so I have been hiding inside in the AC. Mowing should be fun. I got the rear rubber deflector on the mower and got it caught up in my blade so I need to figure out how to get the mower blade loose.
Has anyone had problems with the brake handle? The brake on my saw works if I stabilize it as I push it but if I bump it, it does not work. The AM brake handle seems flimsy. Has anyone else encountered this?
If you watch the various videos, some people had trouble getting their brakes to work at all. For me, when I assembled it the brake had a nice crisp snap to it. I think this is one of the things that vary from build to build, sort of like the chain adjuster. Once I figured out how to get a clean install on mine it seems to work just fine.
My brake works like OEM. The only thing is that the handle is pretty close to hitting the muffler when it snaps...but it misses, so good enough I suppose.
Good report. That just shows some things are not worth going AM. Good ear on hearing that change before any bad damage occurred.
Update and some progress on my home built 660: I am having trouble with the shutdown function and have been choking the saw to stop it. The choke/stop thumb control feels very soft and flexible so I have been looking for an OEM replacement at a reasonable price. I suspect the aftermarket version of 1122 182 0902 is made from some too soft plastic to function right but Google searches for that part are just returning aftermarket pieces. I found what looked like one on fleabay but when I sent the question to the seller the answer was that it was a "quality aftermarket part". Reducing the H carburetor setting to about 3/4 turn certainly helped the saw respond better to high speed demands. It still needs some fine tuning but at least it is in the ball park now. Thanks 94BULLITT . A remaining issue is that I just don't seem to be able to get the idle speed down until the saw warms up. Once it is warm it seems to respond just fine to throttle controls but cold it just wants to run too fast. I am not sure the throttle trigger is kicking the choke/stop control out of "fast start" mode properly when I try to release it shortly after the start.
Did you already try greasing the moving parts of the mechanism? Made mine work just like it's supposed to.
Sure did. I used dielectric grease directly on the switch parts during assembly when I found the switch part assembled wrong and was fixing that. It did make things operate a bit smoother but it seems to have not been enough to make it work right when it is running. If my only problem was the shutdown function I would just install and wire in a simple SPDT switch but the whole assembly feels "soft" or maybe the right word is mushy.
The variation in these parts is funny. My master control lever works fine, just like OEM. brenndatomu had to lubricate his to get it to work right. Oldman47 won't shut the saw off. Another example is my brake handle. The brake works if I carefully push on the handle but I know it won't work if I need it. It is too flimsy. Oldman47 make sure the gas tank is not flexing where the master control lever snaps in. I was working on an 034. It would not start if it sat a couple of days. If it sat one day it would start. Everything looked good on the saw, I rebuilt the carb because the saw was nearly 30 years old and nothing had been done to it, spark and compression were good, and there no air leaks. Then I noticed with the air filter cover on the master control lever was not quite going all the way down. Then I removed the air filter cover and would go all the way down. I noticed at that time the latches for the master control lever were flexing so with the air filter cover on I was only getting about 80-90% choke.
MuShu 660 finally got to "stretch 'er legs" a bit today...made the first batch of Mu Shu noodles (I think Eric VW maybe can put up a pic of that) It runs pretty good...but did seem to lean out a lot after a few cuts...went and checked things out, seemed like maybe the decomp valve wasn't tight enough. Think I'm gonna do away with that because I haven't been using it anyways...'course, maybe I should be...broke the starter rope right away today. Tweaked the carb a bit (thanks Armbru84 Barcroftb and DexterDay ) and then finished running the better part of a tank of fuel through 'er...I'd say I'm pretty happy with things overall...I'm gonna call this one a win. Even if something blows apart on it, at least I know that its gonna be worth fixing (as of now, it is 100% stock Huztl parts)
Now I'm hungry for Chinese food. That looks like it cuts pretty nice. What bar and chain is it wearing?