I burn about 5-6 per season. Sittin' on 4-5 years worth now. It's an addiction. dall you one of those guys huh?!?!?!
I usually burn about a cord and a half per season, so I'm not doing to bad, but I do want more. It's a win win for me cause I love running my saws.
Have a year round owb and can go through wood pretty fast if there's a bad winter here. I try to have two dozen cord ready. Spring cutting was non existent this year, due to constant rains, summer time, ain't the time, so now I'm way behind. I have cut wood stacked wood stashed all over the place that needs gathered up and split. At least it gets part dry like this and is tolerable in the owb.
None off of mine yet lol. I'm actually impressed with the China 372 so far. I beat on it pretty hard, and no fail's yet.
I've lost 1 or 2 screws in many many cords... never stopped the saw or it's production. Blue loctite became my friend. Stock for stock, same cc, the who-skee's just flat out kick arse. Easy peezy lemon sqeezy, n-stuff.
Lol my 036 has over 15 tanks on it and I've seen over 16000 rpm on the tach it doesn't get taken apart
I not getting in the stihl hooskie thing, good and bad in booth brands, I like certain models from all brands, and who left out the Dolmars?lol