We had our first frost warning last night, and the temp went south of 5 C (40 f) . I covered my only pepper plant but let the flowers be. They survived so no frost! No fire needed yet.
Not bad here. Cooled off in the afternoon yesterday. Looks like we'll be in the 60's the rest of the week. A very short shower this morning but only .15".
Mid 40's now with rain off and on. Yesterday, it did manage to get up to 51!! Should get to the mid 50's today.
65 outside right now with some showers predicted....supposed to be down to 48 overnight. May have to burn a little gas toward morning.
Furnace just lit off! About the same time yesterday morning, too. Anyhoo, sitting at 45 this morning. Another wet cold day and then the sun should be back out for a few days. Temps will be in the 60's due to the sun's visit. Won't be much longer and gonna have to put the shorts away......
Left the Windows open last night.....oops. 44 outside, 63 inside. I lit off a few pieces of red maple and ash. This is by far the earliest I've lit up.
Only got down to 47 last night so no need for a quick morning fire here. Looks like we may get more rain today so may need to take the dampness out tonight or tomorrow morning.
63 today, weather guessers say low of 40 tonight, probably have to go find something to light on fire, maybe some Walnut
I was sure last night or tonight would be my first for in the owb, but the weather guessers were wrong again - 55 and rainy all week turned into mid-upper 60's with enough sun to keep the house temp up. 70s coming next week (...in theory) so I may just make it to October like we wanted!
35 this morning here. Look in the columns CLR 38 38. It's the middle number for temperature and you'll see 35 around 7:00 this morning.
It's 52 out with the humidity at 97 percent so we're having a fire which beats running the dehumidifier. The last four rainfalls we've received a total 2.5 inches with half an inch coming later yesterday and overnight.
Well, September is doing what it does, and that is, nice hot weather for the most part. There will be no burning for some time yet (besides, there's a fire ban on at the moment) if it holds out. We're looking at hitting 30 C today (86? F) Amazes me to see some of you guys a fair bit south of me with such cool weather.
I agree, much better than running the humidifier. The last 2 rains we've got totaled 1/4" is all. We are a bit dry here and could use more. I want to plant some wheat but think I'll wait for another rain.
We have a dry week coming up which we need bad, I saw one oldtimer this morning who said it's been so wet the wife had moss growing on her or she just hadn't shaved all summer!