After you get through this, it is time to try really hard to find a place to keep a bad years worth of pellets that you will have in place by the end of October. There will always be these scenarios leading to shortages or someone trying to sell their pellets overpriced due "causes" out of their control. I grumble every year when I pay my property tax bill, and when I pay my state and federal taxes, but not when I pay for my pellets. There is great peace of mind when you look at those tons of pellets and the snow if falling.
It's all that Gorbull warming I tells ya, it leads to freezing hind quarters. The new hot is cold or is it the new cold is hot. damm I'm confused, where is that thermodynamics textbook?
My problem is our house is built on a concrete slab, so no basement and no garage. I have a nice 10x12 building outback, but it is full of wood working and lawn and garden stuff. I can only store a ton at a time in the pantry/furnace room. I am thinking about building outdoor storage area, but I am worried about moisture.
I'm like you BW limited space I can get about 70 bags in the garage , plan for next year is to get rid of some stuff that's taking up space , make room for 2 + tons. We'll see what happens.
You can put those pallets of pellets on a tarp, leave them bundled up, and the have any sort of cover over them as long as it doesn't allow for standing water. I have had pellets in the garage for a few years that showed no signs of being wet. Just keep the rain off them. If you open a ton, move that ton inside. It is the stuff sat out in the open that degrades.
I'm actually enjoying this shortage. I'm getting to buy really good pellets like the AWF and now Blazer. Forget the price, if it wasn't for the shortage, I never would have had the opportunity to buy them.
What? You got enough beer to take you to March 2nd Smoke Show? If not, I'm calling 911 to get you an emergency re-supply!!!
How did you get 30 bags, they only would allow me 15! I called them, they got 12 tons in this morning, but all are sold. not expecting more until the 6th. While I don't need more, I want more. Oink, Oink
2 trips. I wouldn't dare put 30 bags in my old rust bucket anyway. Hauled 15 home and unloaded as fast as I could and went back for more. My hips and knees are killing me right now.
If you are going to play the pipes at least provide the audio,d.aWc
Yep, That there be a pig. They say 15 limit, Ya just do a double load or keep heading back till there gone or your stuffed!! Gotta say its been a long time since I have seen limits on purchase. Like 2001 for me. Heard of them in 2008, But I had plenty that season. How you boys like them Blazers??? PS, I hope they stink!
I so hate to disappoint you, but my wife looked at the fire and said, isn't that flame too big? Nope, I said, it is just blazers blazing! Are you warm enough now.