How many of you shoot them, I love to shoot flinters and percussion cap guns. If you can shoot a flinter you can shoot anything. went and shot this one after lunch. I was shooting offhand at 40 yards, the thing gets heavy after a Loaded up the powder and loaded the round ball with pillow ticking patch then primed the pan. It was hitting low for a few shots, I kept moving sight upward, final moved it far as it would go and said if it hits in circle I'm done. it did. It's a Lyman Great Plains rifle in 50 Cal. it has a 1 in 66 twist barrel for round balls.
Well... we don't shoot them, but we've got some family heirloom rifles. Check out the Kopp rifles. These are 4th and 5th generation grandfathers. Andrew and George Kopp were both gunsmiths.
They did. They were quite popular and known for their quality. We know of one that sold for $7000 at a local show. It's in a collection in Pittsburgh. The owner is the president of a Kentucky style rifle club and author of that club's newsletter.
I have a custom flintlock rifle made by J.T. Phillips, he was a local gunmaker here. Nothing fancy, no inlays it does have a nice curly maple stock and is a tack driver.
I get a little nervous at muzzeloading season now, used to be we didn't have any bears. now we have plenty. some big ones too. I always pack something else just for that occasion though.
Took the CVA Stalker and shot it, Only got off six shots and run out of powder. far right one was first, moved scope and bottom center was second. moved scope and put four holes in the circle woulda moved it up some more but no powder. shooting .490 round balls and 70 grains of 2 f powder. I was also soaked as it is really humid here.
Took the little CVA 32 cal out to shoot and fired one round, was cleaning the bore for the next shot and broke the jag off in the barrel, well that's the end of this shooting
I'd love to own one of these small caliber ML's. Hopefully it won't be too big a chore to get the barrel cleared.
Nah it was easy. I went and bought some 2 f powder and another jag. came home with another 32 caliber. will have pics later.