I'm not a pellet burner, but if someone wants to try to stop 'em in before they get to ME, I'd be willing to help out a fellow "Live Free or Die" resident. Odd that we weren't on the list.
I have been hitting them at least once a week do the drive by the garden area all those racks that held pellets now hold lawn mowers and fert.
I picked up Blazers at HD for $4.18 a bag, - my 10% discount so about $3.72 per bag, no tax Limited to 15 bags per customer. My suggestion is to call HD every day just before noon. You wait and they are all gone in a flash. They loaded them on the cart, pulled them through the check out and put them in my van. I couldn't have done it otherwise. Now off the crutches but using a cane and leg brace. Does anyone tip these guys?
I got a call from HD today!!!! Limit was one ton. They even let me make two trips of 25 and got the ton discount of 219 Blazers!!!!!
I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were making money at these prices. Their costs for purchasing and shipping just are not the same as most anybody
They may not be making $$ on the pellets ,but they have generated traffic in the store so people will buy some other chit that they will make $$ on
I hope all that got the deal on the blazers stove's hit their high limit in the middle of night and ya all wake up to a cold shack. And your Mrs. starts swingin a skillet at ya! And...... And....And... pfftthpth! And for those that don't know what that means, See pic!
The boxes do buy better in some cases better than just about anyone else....but not that much better... They do save some on trucking because of the volume, but at the same time, they could be selling Blazers at even $300 which would be a super price and still sell every single pallet they could get back there. As I said earlier, there is a major disconnect to the what the market will pay vers what someone down in Atlanta "thinks" where the market should be. At the same time, they are probably market averaging and someone just simply isn't paying attention. Blazers at anything under $250 in NE is simply stealing them and if you can find them, bring everyone you can muster up at short notice and buy as much as you can...this means everyone in VT as well...I heard some people passed these up when they saw them, because they were not hardwoods....people people people.... Let me state that if I was physically in NE and had access to these, I could buy them from the boxes and resell them to just about any dealer who has an ounce of knowledge of pellets and make a good buck....what a find for anyone who has access to these
I am not so sure the boxes would sell them at all at 300 a ton. Most pellet buyers would be shocked and appalled if the price went from 219 to 300. The average user has no clue the differences between brands and even those that do realize the difference, few think that difference is worth the cost. Like any product there are those that will buy the best money can buy. Your DF pellets and successful sales are a testament to that. I just don't think the average box store pellet buyer cares at all. I know many pellet burners and almost all of them have no clue, no clue at all to the quality differences.
Unfortunately I missed them due to illness (I'm even sicker now reading this). Save$ managed to score 15 bags, though. To put in his new P-68 that is roasting him slowly in his man cave.
I'm not so sure. Lowes manages to sell GT's at that ridiculous price and people buy them. I don't think the GT's are as good as the AWF's I got at HD for $188. I've thought about talking to a manager at HD and see if they can take orders and do a special buy of AWF's. I'd be willing to pay more for them than the MWP's and FSU's.
IIRC I only saw the Greene Teams at the beginning of the season (maybr this was last year?) and then not again. I figured they weren't selling that many. Has anyone seen a Lowes displaying Greene Teams before the shortage in MA??
When the wife isn't in the family room, I sneak and open the door to the porch. Helps cool me down some, no notable loss of heat upstairs!
I called today, HD is expecting a order March 6. Tractor supply is waiting on a truck, most likely tomorrow or Friday. Local flooring store has 22 tons of somersets on the way but they are selling them for 279 a ton. Hmm I a m not given up, this stash will be be resupplied by this weekend!
I don't think it's that they don't care, I think it has to do more with not knowing any better.....too many people are focused on the price and not the value
If HD is a willing sellers, and we are willing buyers at that price, then we are all happy. "way life should be". No need to charge more just because there may be more perceived value. Charging the highest amount the public will bear is what oil and drug companies do.