I see no issues at all in my intake or exhaust ports. One more picture I took was the Intake and left side transfer port on my cylinder. Here it is. Not really much new to see but it is the last picture that I have.
The last piece of the mechanical puzzle saw installed today...all 32" of it. Unfortunately didn't have time to try it out tonight...no large unprocessed wood on site either...need to remedy that situation soon...big dawg needs to eat!
$86 bar/chain $195 powerhead kit $281 total I put it together 100% from the kit. There was no need to replace any parts with Stihl parts as some have done...at least not yet anyways...we'll see how that goes. I think I'm going to be pretty satisfied with it...if you remember I almost bought a well worn Husky 272XP for the same price Husky 272XP value? and even though it ran good, there was some scoring on a supposedly newish top end. If I'm going to have to wrench on it anyways, I'd rather build the whole thing myself. Plus I gained 20cc and 4" on the B/C I am going to be building another one for a co-worker to try out on a 36" Alaskan mill. He has a bunch of down and dead/dying trees to cut and he wants to make lumber out of 'em. His saw will be put to the test much more than anything I have planned for mine. Mine will probably spend a lot of time sitting with Stabil in it...that's part of the reason I figured I'd get along with it just fine, not planning a rough life for it. But some guys claim to have run these commercially with good results.
Awesome work Dave! I like running a good racing oil at 25:1 for my milling mix. Be sure to let the saw idle-cool down for a min or so after a cut.
Yeah, I'm sure it is going to be fine for my very occasional use...that's why I haven't bought a big bore saw before...couldn't find one for that low money and couldn't justify spending much more on a saw that gets used a couple times a year. Sounds like solid advice, thanks. Didn't know that...thought the 066 did not, and then 660 did...glad it doesn't have 'em though!
I ran my clone against an OEM 660. I think the clone will really come to life with a muffler mod. I wish the results would have been more consistent, I think the wood was changing on me. I beginning to think ash is not good for testing.
Looks good. Most Farmertec 660 mufflers I've seen have a couple extra openings and a nice primary exhaust hole. The internal baffle is perforated like oem except for the main area in front of the port. I drill a 1/2" hole in there and use the cover. Have fun!
Forget that casting defect comment. Look at this video around the 24:40 mark and you can see that the "missing" fin is a needed feature to avoid interferences. I was watching the video for hints on assembly without a press and paid close attention to that bit to see if his cylinder had the same missing fin as mine did. It did, but the reason soon became obvious to me.
It did look too perfect to me to be a casting defect I thought. I was thinking a clearerence thing but couldn't think of what it was to clear.
Today, well actually before midnight so it was yesterday, I started to assemble my saw. I did the heat only thing to drop the crankshaft into the PTO side of the case and used a feeler gauge to get the crankshaft more or less centered in the case. Then I let everything cool off and used my Yamabond 4 on the case gasket to affix it in place. Now I had things at room temperature and did not want to reheat the partially assembled case so I coated the other side of the gasket with Yamabond just as I pulled the other case half out of the oven. That way it was not subjected to full oven heat but it did get hot as I assembled things. I was able to press the second case half about halfway home by hand then resorted to using the case bolts to draw the two halves together. The fun part was finding the case bolts. Unlike many comments I have seen lately, the bags of bolts that I got from Arbortec were not individually labeled. That meant I had to go through all of the hardware and finally identify the right bolts visually. Thank goodness for all the videos I had watched because that allowed me to identify the right bolts before I tried to use them. I did use the Hyway case gasket rather than the Farmertec gasket but the one from Farmertec didn't look all that bad. I will be saving it in case I need one some day.
If anyone has a clapped out 064 or early 066 case, Farmertec plastics work well as long as you use all 660 except for the recoil. I'm impressed with the tank thus far; no leaks, working tank vent, decent plastic quality (not quite oem), and translucent gas tank like oem.
I have posted this elsewhere on here. But I had a 650 I got in a box. All plastic was trashed except the tank. All the parts cost more than I wanted to spend. I bought all the farmertec plastic , tank handle and all. I have had it in use for 2 years. I am happy. A ltitle more flexy than OEM and not quite the same color and stiffness but perfectly serciviceable. I am happy with what I paid for it. And I sold the good tank to Randy Evans when he was looking for a 660 tank for a saw he was going to build.