Mu Schoo....I see what you did there... I'm gonna steal that one! Yup, will do. I'm just going stock, some guys are putting hy zoot top ends on theirs right from the git go. I'll do that later if I decide I wanna run a 60" bar
Project "Mu Shu 660" is underway...cases are together, top end on, flywheel and coil installed. Oil pump, clutch and chain brake in place. No real issues so far, had to take .010-.015" off the inside corners of the piston skirts (was just barely touching the crank) and clean up the cylinder ports a little, other than that, so far so good...and I just realized I need to slow my roll and take some pics!
Boy I dunno...seems like compression is pretty fierce on this thing, its pretty hard to twist the flywheel through TDC by hand! I can't wait to make 'er blow some schmoke
Had me some pancakes this morning...annual pancake breakfast and service awards at me $60 to spend at the company store now As far as the schmoke part...only when I'm on far
Project "Mu Shu 660" is complete! Well, except for a little tuning once I get a B/C for it. Was a bugger to start...turns out I had flooded the crap outta the poor thing...a couple plug drying sessions and it was off to the races...popped right off and ran perfectly, once I got the extra "assembly oil" burnt out anyways...sits there and idles restarts in 1 pull...pretty pleased with my purchase so to come.
Been shopping B/C for project MuShu660...people seem to suggest .050, is it really that big of a deal to get .063 chain locally? Lots more selection of .063 bars for 660s...
Get .050. You can buy a bar and get a smoking deal at when they have sales. .050 is the common one here