We had 38 this morning so I loaded up the Liberty with some Beech which made for a nice fire. I'm hoping this is it for fires this year.
Unfortunately this was a recent stack of pretty dry maple I recently picked up and split, not covered yet as Im still working on it.
It is staying in the 70's most of the time now. Will be moving down to the basement before long to sleep where it is cool.
We were 30c today and I havent burned any wood in the house for awhile now. I have to admit I only skimmed through this thread from over the last week and may have missed a few note worthy postings but did see the frosted windows one from down under! Its your turn bud, enjoy . We have a few days ahead that are highs of 59f and rain but really Id rather use that cool time to go to the bush and process some firewood and let the lawn get a soaking. Who knows.... Ive burned the odd time in the house during non heating months. I would say though that Im officially done for the season unless the weather in the Canadian Rockies has something to say about it!
Yes the hot season is far reaching now isnt it? I still have to run a basic oil heater downstairs so its not to cold but when I come home from work and its been a hot day I love to sit in the rec room where the cold wood stove is and bask in the coolness in front of my 60 inch tv. What a switch! It wasnt but weeks ago that the cold rec room was a thing to fight against and make warm and comforting, now its coolness is a sanctuary!
74 now , going to have to start up the dehumidifier in the basement, probably the central air too Tuesday 90 Wednesday 87 Thursday 84
Yeah. I'm not looking forward to this hot air moving in. I'm turning out to be not so big of a fan for summertime. Maybe I need to park somewhere on a beach this summer?
This is for the Watertown NY area but we'll see if it shifts north to us. Scattered non severe thunderstorms are expected Saturday. Scattered thunderstorms are also expected Tuesday and again on Thursday. Heat indices will reach the mid 90s in parts of eastern New York Sunday and the upper 90s Monday. If heat indices are expected to reach 100 degrees in New York and 95 degrees for two days in western New England, a heat advisory may be needed.
They changed the forecast here and now Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be mid-eighties. I'm on the coast tempered by cool ocean water so inland should be quite a bit hotter. It's already more than 5 degrees above the forecast high for the day here.
It was 84F last night in my lounge room, I had to take my shirt off. it was only 30F outside. Currently 38F and sunny, when it warms up a bit I will go out and stack some wood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
47°f now and a 80% chance of snow tonight.There are roads in the Sierra's that are still closed because of snow.
We were in the mid 80's last week.......Cold and windy here and all the rivers and steams are at flood stage.