"ayuh" ......as clearly discussed as a muddy puddle allows a view of the bottom of it, here- Source of Maine's "Ayuh"?
I had a couple of the Royale fumas while I was on vacation. The first one was regretful; the second was very good. Typical of fumas though, no? At this point, I would probably re-order, but we'll see what a good rest in the coolidor does for them!
Don't know why, but CI has had a lot of offers that include a gift card (CI bucks). Late May I bought three offers of cigars and got three $20 gift cards....spent $74 to get those three. June offered free shipping and a $50 gift card for any order over $50.....that one was hard to pass up, too. I'll be using that $50 against another order that includes a $25 card with purchase. Just when I was quitting, too!
After taking a few days off from cigars, I had this one this evening with a glass of iced tea while outside (of course). It's been in the coolidor for over three years. The first one I had about 4 years ago really was good....this one-pffft.
Had one of these today while sitting in the screen porch at the lake. 1 1/2 year in the coolidor...wasn't as good as the very first one I had right off the truck; but still good!
This past weekend, had one of these at the end of a good work day. I've found that these 2nds truly are just as good as the firsts or normal run of cigars. I've had almost a box full of the normal vintage 1990 and can't really tell the difference between the 2nds. They are the 12 year bundled. I have also tried the 10 year aged (1992 vintage 2nds) and found that they are best while fresh and seem to strengthen up a bit with aging.