Dropped an old Willow recently. Found this in the log while cleaning up. Pretty sure it wasn't there during the sawing. Looks content.
I'd be calling in a napalm strike after a I ran screaming back to safety! LOL No matter when or where you find 'em at, it's always a bit startling.
I cut into a huge ash once with a rotten trunk and a family of mice scattered everywhere like roaches. Is that a rat snake? Hard for me to tell if it has a triangular head and long pupils or not. There's a huge black snake that hangs out around my garage, had to chase it out a few times. I've always heard they give off a scent that scares the venomous snakes away. I personally witnessed a different black snake devouring a nest of baby snakes of some other species. Here's another snake that hangs out with me shedding his winter coat after a meal. I just leave them alone and they keep to themselves...as long as they aren't copperheads or rattlesnakes they're welcome to hang around.
yellow jackets found with my foot they swarmed up my leg inside my pants stinging like little insanely mad bees they weren't happy neither was I
Cut a squirrel in 2 once, what a mess. Why he didn't take off when I dropped the tree and started processing I will never know.
All kinds of metal, all kinds of Bees and Hornets not sure which is worse wrecking several chains or being destroyed by the mad swarm. either way ticks me off.
.58 cal mini ball. It looked as though it hit the tree in the late 1800's or early 1900's. SNAKES! even harmless black snakes make me !
One thing is for sure. Cutting through that would be much easier and do less damage to the chain than would a nail. I've cut coons before. Really makes the blood fly...
We cut up some logs one day threw in back of truck went to unload and found a snake back their so i jump out of truck screaming like a little girl get rake get snake out kill that sonofa B with log round i would not get in back of truck to finish so my brother had too all the while laughing at me
It was a 15 inch Garter Snake. I also found a deer mouse while splitting a bunch of cherry logs that were cut a year ago. Felt bad for the little bastard. Split the log down the middle with the splitter. It was hollowed in the center and the mouse was literally shaking covered in sawdust in a hollowed out core. Let him go and finished splitting.
We cut through a bullet in the middle of a huge oak butt at the PA GTG this past weekend. It happened during the cut I was making in this pic. We counted 98 rings behind the bullet.....
I was stacking some wood yesterday when a wasp started messing with me. He waited patiently while I went to the shed for the wasp spray. I was like a sniper, one shot one kill. Picked that bastard off in mid air!