That's better! These hose nozzles are great. When you don't lose them. LOL Didn't even need a pressure washer. They have 5 or 6 settings. Full and jet work great! Lowes-I think I paid $15 last year for it. You just push up or pull down on bar that goes across. Very nice.
Got one of those, mine looks cheaper than that model a few years ago. But you have to have the water pressure to wash stuff like that thick mud off, which I don't have.
No, it was me Dennis! I'm de-railing Gas's thread here I gotta stop here and start giving him heck about that clay pot that he's calling a tractor
Had my neighbor punch a few broken off pins through on my York rack and put new ones in. (Bar that runs through it that hooks up to three point hitch.) I was just going to have him weld it solid but he had the spare pins handy so went with that. Good to go now. Come on warm weather! I also left him my Grapple. He is going to look at and give me an estimate to ad another tine on each end and make it adjustable in height so it will be better for different jobs. I showed him this: Something like that would be great for getting ahold of more brush at a time.
When we took the backhoe off we put 4x4's under the platform in the front and back, it takes any pressure off the stabilizers. We have three 4x4's in the front and two in the back.
I put a left over piece of one of the barn beams we constructed under the center of it, this piece is just a 2X12 and 3/4" plywood glued to it.
Is it drying out any at your place? We still have two or three areas that I'll stay out of with the rhino or tractor.
Pretty wet here. I'll wait a little while longer on the pasture. I can go to a couple areas to grab some logs for processing if I want. And I have the logger's landing area to clean up as well.
More rain here today. Hope we don't get too much as the wood are really wet. Also would like to get the ground dry to do some tilling.
Ten more hours on the 3550 and I greased the most used zerks again. Time for another rinsing so it's not so dirty when I pull the hoe off again and put the 3-point hitch and York rake on.
No. Moving manure to old and new gardens. Moving clay to build up a couple areas and get them leveled off. Moving some firewood rounds.
Tractor withdrawal! I couldn't stand it anymore. Time to put the three point hitch to work. York raking.
Makes a nice difference. Helps to bring the rocks up to the top and air everything out, helping to dry things out. And level things off. At a later time I will build crown in road by using adjustment on three point hitch arm to make bite deeper on outside.