Good evening, smart fhc boys and girls. I recently picked up a snowblower with a blown motor, thinking I'll be out to the scrap yard in a few days and it was close enough to walk home, so why not. Then I got to thinking it would be nice to have a snowblower that I could leave at mom's house to save me bringing mine over when it's time to clean her up in the winter. It's a Frontier ST0927 with a blown Briggs Intek 9hp engine. Sounds like a pile of bolts in a garbage disposal when pulling the recoil. I'd like to go cheaper than a factory replacement engine, and was thinking about one of the cheap harbor freight units as I only need it to last a couple years. Aside from probably modifying the mounting plate, does anyone have insight on what else I might need to be aware of before tackling this project? It's a single shaft engine, looking at maybe needing an adapter sleeve for it, and crossing my fingers that the replacement will clear the chute without too much hammer work. Anything else to consider? This will be my first engine swap in something with two wheels.
What's the output shaft diameter? Having just replaced a 5hp Briggs with a 6.5 HP predator from harbor freight, I was shocked how simple the swap was. The mounting pattern was even the same.
Not sure, and didn't find it in a skim of the manual available online. I'll pull it and measure hopefully tomorrow evening. Thanks for the reply!
If you can post the model, type, and code number from the engine I could provide the engine build specs. and you shouldn't have to measure anything.
I'm guessing it's a 1" shaft. There's most assuredly a pulley on the old motor you'll need to pull, and transfer to the new motor. Center to shaft from the deck floor won't matter so much being a belt drive. But if you can keep the same spacing, then the stock belts will still work.
Thank you for the insight. I was planning on needing a different belt set, but it would be handy to keep the stockers.
Never done a swap with one of the Predator engines. But if the replacement runs as well as the one on my Pressure Washer, I'd have no issues giving it a try. In fact I had a buddy just ask me if we could replace the blown Kohler engine in his $25 yard sale find Cub Cadet ride-on with one of the HF engines. I have the project in line but not for a few weeks. The Predator engine manuals have good technical measurements on the HF website. ---Nailer---
Well, it looks like this one was not meant to be. The aluminum gear box looks cracked, and both control cables are trashed. The auger "box" is also twisted/bent like the thing was dropped out of a truck. Maybe next time.