Well, if it looks like a duck or a snowman or Johnny Carson probably so. If it just looks like a dog turd, not so much.
Close your eyes, and imagine an old washing machine. Now picture the drum removed, filled with wood, and burning. Sitting on an old steel rim. That's about as low rent/hick as you can get.
That's what mine is too, me and my sons are going to build something decent this year. We always burn and hang out by the fire so it's worth the extra effort making something nice.
Well I guess I'm the first one with a little more than a circle of rock. I actually got this idea from someone here at FHC. Build a fire in the round part. When there's a good bed coals, rake then into the brick area, put a grate on top and you're ready to cook. But you can still keep a fire going in the stone section.
Great topic CHeath, I'm looking for ideas as well.... I'm hoping I don't have to spend the money on a regular fire pit this year, would rather spend the money on material to build it myself...
Going to do that this year, or cut up a steel drum and drill holes in patterns. I was thinking about how to do legs, and the rim sounds like a good idea. More sturdy than any if the leg ideas I've come up with so far.
Pictures don't do then size of my fire pit justice. It's freaking massive! Previous homeowners built it. I can throw a 4'x6' pallet in it and have plenty of room on either side.