Not sure what this is but my little splitter won't touch it , two little axes broken . But I was not going to be defeated by a piece of wood . Gets it split and it's got some lovely grain I'm sure it would have turned nice on a lathe
Not sure if you can see it properly but within minutes of been split it's turned a reddy brown colour and feels dry to the touch on my cheek . Any where else I'd think I was sad but iv a feeling I'm not the only one on hear that does this
Think I'll stop smacking a axe with a lump hammer . I'm now sat in a and e with a tiny slither of axe in a vein in my arm. Fountain of blood looked pretty cool though .
I'm thinking it's red oak, but, red oak shouldn't be that difficult to split that tools break. Unless, it was just time for the tools to come to an end. Time to get some splitting wedges and a 4 or 8 pound sledge. Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
Update Spent fours at St. George's minor accidents . Splitting some logs wi lump hammer and small axe , tiny piece flew off and hit a vien . Q claret spray everywhere ( looked pretty cool if I'm honest ) stopped bleeding after ten minutes wi my finger on it ( dam couldn't take a slo mo vid ) Just missed ligaments but too deep to get out . Plastic surgeon said leave it in it as may make its own way out. If not it's micro surgery to remove it. Or just leave it Needless to say axes are in the bin
I suggest you should buy a full sized splitting ax. You could make short work of that round with a Fiskars, for example.
Yes, A splitting maul is essential. Along with a couple of wedges. Safety glasses are mandatory too. I had a sliver of metal from a wedge bury into my shoulder. Wife pulled it out with tweezers. I would hate to think what it would do to an unprotected eye. Hope all does well with your injury.