It's 34 tonight so I loaded up the liberty with sugar maple and some yellow birch. We'll save the pellets for the end of the week when the colder nights return.
We had 38 this morning when we had coffee (41 at the moment) so I loaded up the liberty with some cherry we brought in two days ago. We have a rack of better btu wood inside but we'll save that for the cold shot coming in.
Windy as all get out here all day long. Started overnight with way too much wind. Came home to no power and started hand bailing the sump pit for 2 1/2 hours and then voila power! (Of course, it was no where near as windy as our western connection gets it!)
Right now the thermometer reads 38 on the back porch. This looks like light snow to me. Too warm for snow though. But it is not rain.
Okay yoop. I'll ask you the same question I've asked my wife before. "What does all get out mean? " I never heard that until I met her about 17 years ago and still....... apparently it can be used after multiple subjects as well. I've tried to explain to her that makes no sense. My wife has basically told me to "get with the program" for lack of a better term on my part. So I have tried. I'm there.
62 yesterday, no fire 34 last night and currently, burning a load of cherry and ash 45 today with 25-35mph wind gusts over 60, going to be a long busy day and have to watch any splits don't get sucked up the chimney!
Winter came back swinging. Looking at -23 C feels like -31 C with the wind. Or -9 F feels like -23 F. Saskatchewan got some interesting blowy snowy weather over the last few days. Poplar n pine in the stove.
Holy crap, winds gusting to 56mph, 47 deg I'm at the east End of the dead end Street and it's trash day, I got about eight trash cans down here
We may not be done with the -20 crap yet but Id like to keep the cold air in Saskatchewan please! We were -9c this morning with flurries. House is easy to keep warm on pine.
I have one that no one came after in the past. The bad thing is now not only do have cans, but I have a lot of trash that blew down here too, nothing new there though, happens all the time
Hey, we don't want it either! Here's hoping the 14 day forecast holds out, and the weather moderates to normal temps in about a week.
I hear ya. The wind has been blowing like that for 3 days now. I lost count on how many Semi Trucks have blown over on I-80 because of the high wind. I have had to restack some of my wood now a couple of times. I do not cut wood when it is like this because it just kills the eyes.