My first vehicle was a motorcycle. Been street riding since high school. Dirt bikes before that. I love the oilheads. I like the lines, I love the torque and they handle like a dream. I'm not too keen on the angular look of the new stuff. A couple high school buddies and I ride a couple times a year. Southern Ohio into W.V. and then Virginia are one of our favorite rides. That said, I've been out west twice the past few years and nothing beats riding in the Rockies. Have you taken a motorcycle course? That might help with the confidence and learning what your bike can do. Hint, those little metal cap nuts on the bottom edge of the foot peg? You can drag those all day long in a curve and still have great control of the bike. Ride safe, watch out for other drivers, cause they aren't watching out for you.
This is my KTM RC8 track bike. Here she is in pit lane at the Philip island GP circuit. And in the pits. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This bloke lost his bike and almost lost his life to a train. Check out the video. Video shows man jumping from the tracks seconds before train speeds past - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm no longer a slime virgin (insert cuss words here) Then this guy rolls in for a rear tire. Are you kidding me? It was completely broke btw. Luckily we had a used lever and I swapped it out. Unreal.
To be fair, I broke my lever dropping my C50 (not wercking, dropping). I rode for a while with it broken (and didn't tape the other half back on). Wore gloves to keep from cutting my hand up until the lever I ordered came in.
BTDT. I always told the service manager we should charge them a clean up fee (especially if they didn't warn us) ...yeah, that never happened.
I'd be so embarrassed to take a slimed wheel in for changing. Leaving work early today to go for a ride. Haven't been out too many times in February. 75 degrees and sunny? Yeah, not letting this pass me by!
While not a long ride, just back from a pretty enjoyable loop. I had to stop and take this picture. Can anyone see anything out of the ordinary??
I have this cool speedo app for my phone. I got it to eliminate the near 7 mph error my bike displays, which drives me nuts (p.o. put a 190/50 on the rear, should be a 190/55). I didn't get a screen shot because the 0-60, 1/4mi numbers reset to zero when I stopped but, I did the 1/4 in 9.48 sec. Seems awful quick, I think more testing is in order... Here's what it looks like(random web pic):
Dang cheeky Amish kids! haha I had spotted this on a ride last year, but some people were skeptical so I needed a pic for proof. Went past a school and all the little ones came to the fence to wave at me as I zoomed by.
Does this allow you to re-calibrate the speedo? I use TuneECU on my bike for that sort of thing. Pretty sure it works with Ducati? Check website for details. Good program, though not free anymore. Allows running diagnostics, changing map settings (some models) and has speedo re-calibrate and whatnot. Triumph locked their software up in 2013 as far as mapping goes...unsure if Ducati has done something similar or not. TuneECU_Start Will work with any android based device and I believe they have a windows version.
Not sure honestly. I haven't dug real deep, but I did confirm its accuracy with my truck and wifes car. As far as recalibrating the Duc's speedo, my boss is ordering me a fresh set of PilotRoad 4's Tues in the correct size. Should help a little. My bike also had the Termignoni "race" ecu that comes with the full exhaust, so I have no need to alter that. And with the research I've done previously, TuneBoy is the chit. Wayy outta my pay scale though. I think it's the only one that would allow me to turn off my oil change indicator. It offers a cruise control and custom fueling.