Dragged a few bits a PINE in from garden nice to watch it crackle . Everyone and then it pops wi a mass a sparks . Could this be trapped moisture ? Meter says 19
evergreen softwood supposedly have small voids where resin/sap has dried up and you can get a shower of sparks, mostly in an open fire or when a door is open on a wood stove with lots of available oxygen. It happens a lot less often when the door is closed. I burn mostly eastern white pine and a tiny bit of red pine though so spruce and fir might be different. Either way the sparks are supposed to be where moisture used to be. I've seen some pretty good sized mostly dried up (kinda like wax) sap bubbles though splitting a piece open.
47º outside, did not load the stove this morning. House is at 74º, may start a small fire before bed as it is supposed to go down to about 39º.
Bright sunny day with temps near 60! damm right I'll take it! Thought of you guys out east with the repeated snow but you wouldn't want this much melt off, this fast!!!
I just topped off the boiler with oak and a little ash, we are at 43* so I can sleep in tomorrow. The grandkids are here so I doubt it will be too late of a morning.
I did just that It is 37° and there is a big yellow light in the eastern sky, I tossed in a bit of pine awhile ago to keep things going for the day.
44 outside, 73 inside. Got the wood stove cooking again this morning but let it go until just a few embers at noon. Got it going again but that may prove to have been a mistake. Every bedroom and closet door open to suck up the heat. This may be the last burn for at least 24 to 36 hours. The weather guessers keep changing the expected highs and lows for the next week so I guess we'll just have to rely on the time and tested method of stick the nose outside and looking.
A couple degrees above freezing here. Kindling fire (poplar! shocker) has us sitting at 80 F inside. This is seriously nice weather for Sask., and many temperature records broke in the last little while.
38° and the few pieces of pine I tossed in this morning were still heating when I filled it up just now. The batteries in my weather station died, so I don't know how warm it got today, but it was nice enough for a t-shirt this afternoon.
I went out for a ride after sunset today to fill the bike with gas and then just enjoy the ride. This is crazy weather for February. We often see snow as late as April here.
No fire tonight. I had a small elm fire last night and I let that make heat through mid day, but didn't reload after that. We broke a record high today 66°. It's still 68 in the house, furnace is off.
The house lost 5 degrees overnight, with no stove and the furnace set to off. It's 48° out now. Not too shabby. I'll be firing up the stove a little at least at nights again. But it's essentially spring outside. I'm sure we'll get a decent snowstorm yet this winter though.
Weatherguessers forecast was 53ºF for the high for the day. It's 9:15 and it is 56. So they changed the forecast high to 57ºF LOL. Plan on cleaning out ashes later. I guess I forgot to hit post. Now the temp is 57 and they've bumped the expected high for the day to 59. They seem to be keeping up fairly well. I'm impressed.
Looking at -2 C (28 F) at the moment, again much warmer than normal. Apparently normal is coming back later in the week and I can get back to having real fires! Poplar and pine kindling fire.