I can only wish there were wild pigs around here. If there were, I'd build a smokehouse just for them and then load it up.
There are bear around here as well as coyotes. As for the bear, as far as I know they really aren't bothering anyone so when I do see them I just leave them alone.
Most Rugers have a 1911 grip angle. Glocks are much steeper. I don't care for them....Glocks point too high.
have shot my grandfather's 357 k frame 8.75 inch barrel... I see it as a useful weapon, I saw him shoot gophers out of holes at 100 yards over the roof of his tbird... he used for deer hunting til he died.. he said as old as I am now if I can see it I can drop it with this! he was a gunsmith and 4 of his kids are NRA qualified sharpshooter including my mother.. but certainly not an EDC .. it was more of a glove box gun...
do I own any ummm no but maybe bunch around that ain't mine!,, no restrictions in this state I just don't like to fill out all the paperwork! I did mention that gramps was a gunsmith...
The LCP has the 1911 grip angle. As far as who's a better shot, he's got a SIG 1911 that I shoot much better than he does so that's a wash. Honestly though I'm not sure why I never shot that gun well, it could be more than just the grip angle because I shoot my Ruger Mark I as well as I do my Browning Buckmark, and that Ruger has the Luger grip angle. I probably just never cared for the G23 in general, I heard all about the "legendary" Glock reliability but that's the only centerfire handgun I've ever had jam on me to the point I needed a dowel rod. And it did it more than once.
I have owned at one time or another so many different handguns I can't even recall all of them. I love my Glocks! They fit me like a glove and no sights are need as it comes up dead center on target for me. They don't work for some people but for me it just works. I carry the G43 all the time. Here is the other pistol I will never get rid of. It's a Smith and Wesson .357 LS. The trigger has been worked and it's smooth as silk. I love the .357 round even though that sucker has some bark and bite with that length barrel. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Well... my .454 Super Redhawk is kind'a multi-purpose. Hunting Elk in black timber is it's initial purpose. It should be fine as a bear repellant also, but I don't worry about bears too much. Then there's deer and mountain lions, and squirrels. And rock-chucks, and..... My cousin is building me a custom chest/ cross-draw rig for it. When finished, I should be able to just strap it on and take off. When I get to the places my ATV can't go but I want to, I know I'll not be under-gunned if a situation arises. Big bores have their place.
Well, we don't have elk, bears, or mountain lions (officially)...or very many places ATVs can't go...so it's hard for me to relate. I agree, they have their place. Need to see pics of that when done.
I still am looking for a chest pack that will conceal my .380 for when I am at family's house and go running in the city. Probably not a likely target but I see WAY more scetch people in the city than I could ever go looking for out where we live in the country. Looking for something like a radio pack with a back zip pocket. Or a chest holster with a concealment flap. Also can keep I'd and stuff. I guess I could just not run the little bit I am there but we generally have help so I can get away easier, while in laws or parents help watch my son. Ebay and amazon and several sites have not turned up anything affordable that I think will work. It needs to be secure so it doesn't flop around also.
Have you considered a belly band? If it is just a little .380 you'd probably be fine jogging with it.
Or a pocket holster. My LCP get's carried the most only because its easier to slip in my pocket when I'm heading out the door for a quick trip up the road, vs my P938 which requires loosening my belt and attaching the IWB holster.
What about a "Neckline" holster? Bottom of this page. I have one for my LCP, works well in certain "social" situations. WHAT WE OFFER
I can't run with my phone in my pocket...I can only imagine a gun flopping around in a pair of basketball shorts.