I purchased "FireFly" back in the late 80's or early 90's and it has served me well ever since. It stopped a would be rapist in his tracks and no, I didn't shoot him. (really I should have) I also stopped several attempted robberies with no shots fired. Funny how things change when they're looking down the barrel of a large caliber handgun. I also tend to use it for hunting, and for grins, I've picked off rabbits and groundhogs at 100+ yards. That's using just the iron sights. If you own one good reliable handgun, I don't see needing any others. Mind you, I have used a couple semi auto's. (Colt 1911 and the Desert Eagle 44mag) The Colt jammed on me. It took quite a few years before I picked up another semi auto due to that instance. And then there was the Desert Eagle after. Well, it was nice and all, but the handgrip was just way to big and I never could get comfortable with it. I wanted it more because it had interchangeable barrels, and the barrel I wanted was something like 15 inches in length. I did end up selling it on consignment. When I had first purchased FireFly, ammunition was not nearly as expensive as it is now. It seems to me I could pick up a box of 50 rounds for something like $15. Reloading with speed loaders takes a couple of seconds, though to be honest, I've never had to in a combat situation. Even for self defense, it only takes one shot to disable or take out the attacker. As for the cost of Firefly, I'd have to dig through my records to find out how much I paid, but I'm thinking it was in the $500 to $600 range purchased new. I liked the looks of the same revolver with the 6 inch barrel, but I didn't like how it felt in my hands. The 9.5 inch felt as though it was better balanced, so that was my choice. Ten days later I picked it up (background checks and all), went to the range and broke it in with about 300 rounds through it. I sure wouldn't do that today due to the price of ammunition. All of my firearms are dual purpose. (rifle, revolver, and shotgun) That's for hunting (animals) and self defense. I am proficient in their use without the use of scopes. I'm not belittling those who have the smaller barrel or caliber handguns, but they are not for me. My only question for those who have multiples, is why? You can only shoot one at a time with reasonable accuracy, two might be questionable.
Has anyone ever seen this guy? Bob Munden, he's crazy good! I don't have any handguns at the moment but felt like I should post this video!
Most of us by smaller guns cause to carry you have to be comfortable or you will not always wear it. As a man we usually don't carry a purse or in our case it's a man purse to hold said 4 pound hogleg. If I had that in my waist I couldn't move easy. Multiples, we'll many of us like guns and sometimes have one for different reasons or attire. Like I can hide my Taurus 380 easier in shorts and t shirt, than I can hide my .38 or sd9 9mm smith. And $600 in the late 89s or early 90's is a lot of money on 2017 dollars, probably well over $1000 . Gonna Google it. Ok $600 in 1991 had the buying power of $1,082.65 in 2017. And yes it's a beautiful gun that will last a lifetime I will not deny you that there. And I am sure glad we don't have waiting periods or any of that garbage here.
Yep love that guy, grew up watching him on Saturday mournings on either the then TNN network or ESPN. He was always on....gosh what was the show?? Had that guy with the deep voice that still does shows and I think an NRA show. "Great Guns" no that was the sub section oF the show, it was called "American Shooter" which I beleive is still on, on maybe outdoor channel and I think that same guy does it. TNN went downhill when they changed it to the Spike channel. Never really watched it much after that. I think they eventually got rid of the outdoor shows and think they stopped showing the Dukes as much then too. It might not been right away but they were gone within a few years. Bob died a few years back right? I also likeD the guy they had on there that did trick shots with the long bow. Shot Aspirin out of the air that his wife threw.
Haha. I have no idea what that is. I cat evendors figure out what it should be. But I think I meant to say hide?? Gonna fix that
Oh, and I have recently picked up one of my bucket list pistols. Smith 686+ 6" in .357 I have not been disappointed yet....you know...meeting your heroes and all... It's a dandy! Hope to take a doe with it this fall. Anyone have suggestions for some fine leather for it?
Why not? Each one has its own purpose. I also have about 10 different hammers. Sure, one or two hammers could probably get me by, but being able to pick a specific tool for a specific job sure makes life easier at times. It’s no different with handguns. The .22’s are just fun. The tiny .380/9mm/.38specials are great for concealed carry and one works better than another depending on what I'm wearing or doing. The full sized 9mm and .357 mag makes great home protection guns and have low enough recoil for my wife. My 6” .44mag revolver is fun to shoot at the range, but I can’t think of anything I’ll come across in Ohio that needs anything that large so it stays in the safe. And being a Colt revolver, it’s actually less reliable than my semi-autos. Did I mention that .22’s are just fun? Those suckers just seem to keep showing up in my safe, I’m sure by the time I die I’ll be able to supply a small army with .22 rifles and handguns! IMO variety is the spice of life. I could eat pork and beans 3 times a day for the rest of my life, but why would I want to if I don’t have to?
Unless I lived in bear country, I don't really see a big bore hand cannon being anything other than a range toy or collectable. Just one guy's opinion.
Lots of nice handguns folks. I only have one and slowly am trying to build a collection. The next handgun I want is going to be a glock 20. Anyway here is my walther ppq m2. Has a great trigger on it.
I have it's cheaper cousin, The PPX. Paid less than $300 new and honestly...it may just have the best trigger of all my semis. Get a Glock in your hand before you buy. The grip angle isn't for everyone. Other than that, they are hard to beat!
I'll echo the grip angle thing. I had a Glock 23 for about 8 years and fired thousands and thousands of rounds through it. I never was able to shoot it accurately and I blamed the gun. I could shoot my Ruger LCP just as accurately as that Glock. Then a buddy of mine shot it and made perfect groups on paper with it. At that point I sold it, apparently Glocks are not for me.