Don't put away your wood or pellets just yet. The groundhog has spoken. Groundhog: Home "Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Now, this Second Day of February, Two Thousand and Seventeen, the One Hundred and Thirty First Annual Trek of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club…. Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of All Prognosticators, was awakened from his burrow to the cheers of his thousands of faithful followers…. In Groundhogese, he directed the President and the Inner Circle to his prediction Scroll, which reads: At Gobbler’s Knob on Groundhog Day We celebrate a world-wide Holiday It’s mighty cold weather, you’ve been braving Is it more winter or is it spring that you’re craving? Since you’ve been up all night and starting to tottle I, Punxsutawney Phil, shall not dawdle My faithful followers, I could clearly see A beautiful, perfect shadow of me Six more Weeks of Winter, it shall be!"
Oh heck, someone should just shoot it after it makes it's prediction and get a new one for next year. I bet it would be nice and tender with how it's kept and even more tasty with what it's fed.
Maybe your Avatar should be "Welcome to the kill all vermin site".....? We love ya, ya Nut....Ella, like my grandma was named.
I felt that it was fitting to post this picture on this thread. This was originally posted by MikeSs on the funny pictures thread.
I don't mind more winter, we haven't had any snow accumulation around here yet. I'd like to see 4" or more on the ground and take my daughter sledding at least once!
Same here. There is a local TV station giving away a snowblower to the person that correctly predicted when we would get our first inch of snow this winter. We're still waiting for that first inch.
was reading my grandfather's dairy... it said you should still have half your wood and half your hay on alderman (sp?) day which is groundhog day..
Thats what Dennis said too....I'm good cause I have more than half my wood left and feel like putting in the air conditioner when the sun is out and beating in the window...
no wonder I like that distinguished gentleman so much! all though I only got 2 bales of hay! I don't feed stock so I'm ok