First Craigslist score! Man those were some big rounds. I need to start carrying my maul with me. It was 20 mins from work but an hour from home. I carry a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in the truck so those plus dress shoes and I was ready to rock haha.
Getting snow this afternoon so I'm hoping there's more left. Packed the truck last night with saw, accessories and a change of clothes. Ready to load up again
Doing great Matt! how's the new house treating ya? great shop.. I need to make some room for 1 of those currently using my garage bay.. not quite big enough.. I know better than to use my wifes.. with snow or frost or even in summer her car gets too hot.. that's her bay!
Went back for round two after work and loaded up again. Took as much as my truck could handle. Another guy showed up and loaded his truck and there was still about one more pickup load left. I think I'm done haha. Should have about a solid cord of maple once C/S/S. Hi my name is Matt and I'm a wood hoarder.
Funny you say that. There's an older gentleman down the street that has several beech trees down in his yard and an older dump trailer that doesn't look like it's used much. Maybe I can work out a deal with him...
What is his address? If only I lived closer, Maybe I could go talk to him and work a deal for could barrow the trailer anytime you wanted
Called the guy with the maple tree after work to see if there was any left...and went and got a third load! What a score! Here's the pile after 3 very full truck loads
A buddy came over to help me today and constructed a little pallet box for my deck to hold more wood than just the flat pallet. Got filled to the top and measures 39.5% of a cord. Going to be so nice to be ahead of split trimming for awhile! Took down a standing ash which is my first fall with the saw and on my land. Moisture meter read 16% or it didn't happen!
Just sat and read the whole thread , interesting read and looks like you've been busy . I need a workshop But most of all I need another find iv no wood to cut
A good friend convinced me to start taping trees for sap so I ordered some taps and UPS couldn't find my house today. Took a good hike around the place trying to inventory all the maples. Hopefully the taps get here tomorrow and I can start collecting!
Got some of the taps in last night as temps should get above freezing today. Yesterday was decently warm and I got sap flowing right when I drilled the hole. Pretty neat. Been burning the wood on the deck and put a decent dent in it. Might have to do another reload this weekend. The Mrs. now brings wood in off the deck and loves to get a fire going which is cool and unexpected.