There are a picture of 2 of my mastermind saws on the home page one above the other the 461 is just as nice as them and at most 5 loads of wood cut with it and some trophies won with it.
Well, don't be afraid to stop by and say Hello every once in while.... Hopefully your stihl burning wood and not working your life away...
GREAT DEAL! Someone's going to be very happy. I'd be on that in a heartbeat if I didn't already have one. GLWS. Great to see you back in the firewood 'hood, too. Don't be a stranger.
What's up John. I talked with Randy tonight and he said to tell everyone he posted it when he was drunk and some would get that LOL. That's totally not what happened, but he did say to let everyone know it's sold if I would please. THE SAW IS SOLD PER RANDY.