So I'm headed for Omaha, going south on I 29 and there are thousands of dead standing trees. Drives me nuts that I can't harvest them. I can't figure out why nobody else has!
Got a couple similar spots that I pass every day to and from work. It drives me nuts, too. One of them is right next to the road, with a field and access drive right up to the woods edge--talk about easy pickens'! It looks like a game of pick up stix with all the dead ash. I remember when they were all standing dead. Now more than half of them are down or partially down. If a person was careful, they could get an awful lot of firewood out of this one little area.
White Ash are dead and dying all over my area, and we had some really large White Ash. Every day I pass dead standing trees with 60 ft of trunk 3 ft in diameter before there is a branch. That stuff would split beautifully.
I going to be taking down 4 like that soon, and one a little bigger. They are at my parents house. I truthfully am not sure what I'm going to do with all of it. I'm going to give away a bunch, then just stack the rest I suppose. I'm guessing upwards of 10 cord.
We had that here a few years back. Stopped by places that were safe to cut on, located property owner & asked. Was about 50/50 on yes or no. Did real well for several years. County plat map was very helpful to I D owners. Ask politely, & if they said no I thanked them for their time & left my number. Some called back after a while when they realized the trees were dangerous & no one cut them. Cleaned up after myself, & signed liability waivers for personal injury for those that asked. Still get calls from some of those folks when they need a tree gone. Moral of the story: It never hurts to ask & you can't have too many sources for firewood.
I couldn't agree more. I've had amazing luck just stopping and politely asking if they would like those hazards removed be it dead standing or downed, most folks don't even want to deal wih it.ive ended up with multiple,long standing sources this way.
Goes hand in hand with being a hoarder. Can't even do something as simple as driving down an interstate without looking for wood!
I can't drive anywhere, I'm always in the lookout!! Got my 4yr old boy in the back as my second set of eyes and he sure can spot em.... mater a fact when He got home yesterday he said he seen some good oak leaners in the way home from school. I've ruined him.....