28F out now, 73in. Was pretty warm till Weds. Cleaned chimney & ash box, all looks good. Little light snow is all. 20's & low 30's predicted for the next week. Gonna load for the overnight with Cherry. Almost out of the lesser woods that are really seasoned. Got 8 cord of dry oak & ash that I hate blowing up the chimney when it's not frigid cold, but oh well. It doesn't come with a monthly bill so I'll toast it off as needed.
Loaded the owb with some elm and maple last nite. The elm is good and solid, some of the maple was not so solid. Water lines are still hot and indoor temp is 70.
About 24 this morning with a very slight breeze. Mix of White and Red Pine and White Ash gassing in the Wood Gun.
Currently 29 and snowing lightly at the moment we got around 2" between 11 am and 12 this morning expecting 6-8 by morning. It's finally back after a few weeks of warm rainy weather!
Its a mild -2c here tonight and I have a bit of fir in the stove. My son is having a sleep over and they sleep in the rec room where the stove is so I dont want to be a rick and load it up and heat the kids out. The stove will go out tonight and the young uns will have a subtle warm glow to fall asleep to.
Chunked a couple hunks of elm and maple in the beast last nite, the coal bed was getting deep. Tried to explain to the ol' doe beater about raking and burning down the coals while I'm gone today, she had the deer in the headlights look,, Have a good day smellers.
28° on the back porch this morning. Light snow falling, we probably received an inch overnight. I didn't load enough wood into the boiler last night and it must of ran out fairly early this morning. Fired back up with Pine and Ash combination.
It was 27 this morning with some snow so I loaded up the liberty with ash,cherry,sugar maple and some not so good beech. Tonight we might get to single digits so we'll set the P.S. at 77 so it kicks on when the downstairs temps drop when the wood burns down in the liberty.
Upper teens and it'll be a break out the shovel day here. Looks like about 4" or more overnight. Still coming.
Ended up with somewhere around 6" (more to the east anyway) but the temps are doing a nose dive. Feels like 2 out there now and we'll be below zero (feel) as our overnight low will be in the mid single digits in a few hours. More snow mon and tue
We're under quite a few lake effect bands. We were forecast for an inch or two and we have 4-5". Temp is steadily dropping, we are at 23 ATM and we're burning red oak in our Hardy. Temp is set at 72 in the house.
Tonight we'll get close to single digits so the pellet stove is on and later I'll build a small fire in the liberty.
19* and just loaded the boiler with maple, ash and cherry. We got about 3" of white crap since yesterday.