Cause it's rare. If you had one of those it would be rarer than hens teeth. More rate over here than the stihl 090!
Hope to see you there bud! My 390xp has been taken back to Eric. Gonna pick it up tomorrow (easy fix cause I'm am idiot), but I may sell it before the GTG. Only has around a half tank ran through it. I have only ran it twice since ported. The 2nd time was in PA and was only for a few seconds. I need money for other expenses. AR expenses! The 372/371 will be there!
Or 5.56 or .300 blackout or , .22conversion. Ok just messing with yall. Back to hearing about DexterDay trip to Arkansas.
If you buy an AR specifically calibered for .223? Then you miss out. Buy the 5.56 and it will shoot both .223 or 5.56. If you buy a chambered. 223? It will only shoot .223 .223, 5.56 or .308 (AR-10), or. 22 Nosler (what my next one will be. Basically a 22-250), 300 black out, etc, etc.. etc.. Lots of options on them. Only one buyer so far and he is good friend. Pretty sure he is gonna buy it. Gave him a price that is hard to refuse for a saw that has less than a tank ran through it.
How far are you from Ashtabula County? I host a shoot every summer and there are tons of ARs in all sorts of flavors. There are a couple of engineers who freelance for Ruger and they bring several cans and several full auto items.