Took a walk to the back of my property this past weekend. I was very disappointed to find beaver damage to several nice trees. This one especially hurts. I only have a small handful of American Beech, and this one is the second largest one on the property. I'm sure it is as good as dead now. I really like Beech trees and hate to lose this one. Of course the dead Ash were left untouched by the beaver. Might have to look into a trap in the near future.
That stinks. Especially to a tree you really liked. It'll provide some nice BTU's though. Funny how trees grow in different areas. On my friends property beech trees are basically a nuisance, we've been thinning out tons of them. They hinder all the small oak and maples from growing. Know anyone in your life who would like a nice beaver pelt coat?
I used to look at the trees in central NY that beavers took down, and was always amazed. Never did find out what kind of saw they are using
Worst part is that I will prolly never get the firewood from it. It is just way too difficult to get wood out from that far back into the wetlands.
Funny how every property is different. Maples are a nuissance to me. I am having 123 of them taken out very soon.
You might be surprised if that old beech heels up and scars over - sounds like some trapping is in order
I just squeezed some new loads in my reloading press I've been dying to test outnot to mention a beaver pelt pillow sounds nice. I'd even bring the swamp boots and saws to help with the wood
Or a little plinking. Hopefully the beech heals up. If not, you have to make an effort to get all of that tree, even if it's one round at a time. Beech is better firewood than either sugar maple or any oak. I will thin either of those two before thinning beech at my land.
Don't know the brand but amazing how good it does with just a few teeth! My Buddy traps all the time and he says Beaver are the easiest things to get. Especially is you can find a slide into the creek. Conibear under water at the waters edge of slide and it's done.