Kill a rare one and they are worth much more than 100$. These 2 solid black brother and sister brought $7500. (Not a Typo!) It took 16 people, a bunch of dogs, and lots of permission slips to get em down.
Any scraps would work but fresh venison is a good bait. Roadkills?? We have plenty of them. Use a wireless driveway chime to signal you when the dogs are around the bait. Use solar path lights around the bait and you should have good night time response and ability to shoot.
Your sure a more under standing man than I. I would put up the no trespassing signs as close together so even the stupidest person who isn't blind could see them then I would set my traps. If their dogs get caught it is on them. I might return the collor NA wouldn't can't stand trespassers my self. About as bad as poachers. Your land you pay the taxes yours to do with as any laws allow. Al
Just ain't that simple any more, Trail Twister, example trash people left my gate open to fenced in yard- neighbors dogs came on to my place- needless to say my own set took exception to their territory being invaded- rumble royal. I got sued because mine took his apart- I didn't lose but it still cost.
Well in my area it is that simple. Post the property with the signs to start and every time a trespasser or their dogs come on your place call the law and have them write a trespassing ticket, and if you really want to get their attention get a lawyer who will sue and take 37% of the winnings and sue people for their dogs popping on your property. Take pictures lots of pictures for proof of trespassing and dogs pooping on your place. . You work to pay the mortgage, you pay the taxes and trespassing neighbors should not ever be allow to say what you can do on your property with in the law period. I have a steep ditch bank not mow able except with a string trimmer and there is a narrow flat spot on top a walk be hind mower can be used. Wife says I would like to do some thing to make that bank look nice. So we buy a bunch of JR. perennial sets, plant them in the bank and the flat. We take a two week vacation and come back and that flat is mowed flat. So we replanted the next spring, didn't go on a summer vacation and I caught the jerk neighbor from down & across the road starting to mow it. Jumped off my tractor and asked him what he thought he was doing. Well I don't like the looks of the weeds so I am mowing it for you. I told him that if he left the weed grow they would flower, and if I ever come home and find any mowing has been done or any other damage to MY PROPERTY I was going to go to his place with my biggest tractor and plow up his yard because I like the smell of fresh turned dirt. That was 22 years ago and he don't mow anymore near my place. He has learned I do not screw around with neighbors. Al