Low 15 tonight. Loaded up with ash ash and more ash. Bit more sugar maple left in this years stacks but it's ash from here till the 18/19 burning season.
I had to pinch it off today (lol, no pun intended). Pretty warm 2 day stretch so I didn't want to blow us out of the house. Burnin' walnut, mulberry and maple. 35 now, cold on the way.
12 here, raked the coals from last night and they came right to life. I've got me some Maple, Elm & Hickory cooking up just fine as we speak. 60 inside and rising by the minute, or two.
Good morning, current temp 0° headed up to 23° today. The stove is eating birch and maple this morning. Enjoy the day!
We had 3 this morning with the temps up here at 70 and the basement temps at 79 so I shutoff the P.S., and loaded the Liberty up.
From the hot springs its about -14c/5f Stove at home is having a nap. Panorama isn't the greatest as it's a bit warped but you get the idea.
Around 20. Smaller splits of a Maple, Ash and Pine mix in the boiler. Suppose to go to 37 tomorrow with some sun. Nice.
15 here now, supposed to get into the low 30's today. I raked the coals to life as usual, and fed in some Oak & Elm and away she goes. A friend just told me about two Maple trees in his yard he wants down and gone. I'll be happy to get them, the three year plan is off to good 2017 start, That will go towards 2020!
What the heck? Next ten days are supposed to be above freezing? This is January for Pete's sake! What can we talk about if there is no sub-zero weather? Is this happening all over and is that why the forum is slow?
2* heading to 30* I am going to shuffle outside and toss some wood into the gates of hell, I am hoping that will keep the cold outside for a while.