In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Anyone have suggestions for Coyote lure and bait?

Discussion in 'The Game Room' started by Star Gazer, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I have two coyote, possibly more, hanging out in this area and I'm trying to figure out a way to ultimately dispatch them.

    But there is a problem. Some of the people in the area like to take their dogs for walks and the dogs are not on a leash. So as their owner takes a walk, these dogs are all over the place including on my property. Then there is one who has hunting dogs that like to escape frequently. With all of these dogs running around (around 12 to 15), they are also trashing the coyote tracks, both old and new.

    I thought about trapping them (snare, foot hold, or conibear type trap) but that would mean I would have to disarm the traps during the day when the dogs might be present. That really isn't an option since I would be leaving my scent behind on a regular basis. And the "what if factor," like what if I fail to disarm even one of the kill traps and it takes out someones dog! Not a good thing.

    Since the coyote are mostly nocturnal, I could put out some kind of lure and bait to bring them where I can shoot them. But so far they haven't shown any kind of pattern I can use which would mean my sitting up nightly and wait. My visual acuity at night leaves much to be desired unless there is 3/4ths to a full moon.

    So I'm considering some kind of lure and bait. I've been thinking about using snap traps and catching a couple dozen mice. I also have one of those HaveAHeart live mouse traps to catch a few live ones for an experiment and then I'll add them to the mix. I don't expect the live caught mice to live more than a few days. I figure I could add a chunk of venison to the mix, toss everything into the blender, mix well, and let it rot for a few days at room temperature. (in a sealed container) Then take some old nylons and put a few tablespoons of the mix in. (snack size) Tie them off and either hang them or kind of bury them under some leaves in the area I want the coyote to come around. For the lure, I am considering taking some coyote urine and putting it in a spay bottle to spray around the area, plus to cover my scent.

    These coyote are getting kind of brave. I have had one of them come onto the side deck of my house, and for me, that's a bit too close for comfort. Last week before we went into the deep freeze, I watched one come off the mountain, snap up a rabbit, kind of chomp it a couple of times, gave it a shake and then took it someplace to eat. That's less than 10 yards from my house.

    So if anyone has any suggestions for lure and/or bait to get their attention, let me know. I'll give most if not all a try. Something is bound to work!
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
  2. basod


    Nov 4, 2013
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    Mount Cheaha AL
    I don' now how cold it's staying up that way but deer scraps in a 5gal bucket with water then frozen is a decent semi-long term lure.
    They aren't as nocturnal as you think -if you keep a secure safe place with a food source they will pattern it, set a game camera on gut bucket you'll get a quick idea of how many coyote you actually have.
  3. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
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    NE Ohio
    Cats, they love cats
    Eric VW and Star Gazer like this.
  4. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Where I'm at the temperatures tend to fluctuate quite a bit. Over this last weekend the low was 2 to 5 degrees, and the high was 12 to 14 degrees with 7 inches of snow and winds peaking at about 55mph. Since then the temperatures have risen to 45 and 50 degrees at night and today made it to 61 degrees.

    Definitely worth trying the frozen 5 gallon bucket thing for bait.
  5. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    And little dogs too!
    Eric VW and fox9988 like this.
  6. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
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    NE Ohio
    Yup, my neighbor said there is an area at the back of his place where there are often 'yote tracks...he said he often finds small collars left over from dinner.
    Pretty sure that's what happened to our last two outdoor cats...that or a Hawk.
    Eric VW and Star Gazer like this.
  7. saskwoodburner


    Dec 15, 2015
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    Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
    As suggested, some aged parts in a frozen bucket will keep them there longer rather than a quick meal and gone. I've even had them come in on a coyote kill and start lunching!

    Might I ask why you won't trap or set traps on your own property? I did read what you wrote, but is it legal where you are? Posting no trespass and beware animal traps would cover your behind, no?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid dog/pet fan, but you shouldn't need to find a work around to please others on your own property. They (dog owners) should respect private property and act accordingly.
    Eric VW, Star Gazer and basod like this.
  8. basod


    Nov 4, 2013
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    Mount Cheaha AL
    you can make the scraps bucket in a chest freezer if ambient temps aren't cooperating
    Eric VW and Star Gazer like this.
  9. Jeffrey Svoboda

    Jeffrey Svoboda

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I've heard guys using a deer carcass or similar, cover with chain link fence then spike the fence down to the ground.
    schoondog, Chvymn99, rookie1 and 3 others like this.
  10. savemoney


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Chelsea Maine
    There is a power line that runs about 300 ft from my house. The coyotes run the power line at night. But, as far as I know, they don't visit my yard. I have two very large labs. They leave their waste around the edge of the yard. Seems to keep the yotes away. Unless you get a shot at the yotes, I would leave them alone rather than risk harm to the dogs or other animals. You haven't mentioned they have been destructive to you or your property. They might even be helping your keep the pesty deer from eating your shrubs.
  11. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Sounds like a coyote had some little snacks. I really don't think a hawk could take out a cat unless it was just a kitten. A full grown cat could easily take out a hawk if it came too close or at least there would be one heck of a fight. Even then I suspect the hawk would end up getting the bad end of the deal. I've seen cats go at it with other animals and usually it's not pretty. They turn into all claws.
    Eric VW and brenndatomu like this.
  12. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Trapping would be out of the question since there are a lot of local dogs that traverse my property (12-15). So there would be a good chance one of those would be caught during the day. Unsetting and resetting the traps so I wouldn't catch one of those dogs would also increase my scent and potentially keep the coyote away.

    As for posting a sign "No Tresspassing" and "Beware, animal traps in use" would mean nothing to the dog owners. I'm inclined to believe that out of arrogance and/or stupidity, they would still let their dogs run as usual. They are already demonstrating a lack of respect. So I'm left with the "Lure and bait" method and that in itself may be a problem. The local dogs might eat the bait and remove any lure I might leave by "marking" the area themselves where they pee and then kick it around. I watched one dog do that yesterday.

    Right now I'm studying the problem to determine the best time, bait, and lure to remove them.
    Eric VW and savemoney like this.
  13. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    They do seem to be keeping the deer away, that's a fact, and I haven't seen any actual damage they may have done. But if they ate my neighbors casts which I suspect they did since they have been missing at least since a little before Christmas, then they need to be removed. One of those cats, a mid sized black cat, was my little friend. We got along well, and it would come visit almost daily. So turn about is fair play.

    As for shooting one or preferably both coyotes, I'm not one to shoot at anything that moves, so no other animals would be harmed in the process. I need to positively identify the target before I would consider pulling the trigger. That includes any shooting that would be done in the middle of the night.

    Of course just leaving them be is also an option.
    Eric VW and savemoney like this.
  14. savemoney


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Chelsea Maine
    Sorry, I didn't want to imply that you would ever be reckless with a weapon.
    What we are being asked to do around here is to leave them alone unless they are destructive. Killing them just opens up the area for another one to move in. And then you have to figure out what that one's behavior will be like.
    I lost a cat. Don't know what got him, He was 17. Too many predators to count around me. I now have six cats, but I don't allow them out of the house. I don't want them hurt, and I don't want the birds hurt either. I got turned off with guns while I was active duty. However, I have no ill feelings about those who hunt. Just not my thing. So for me, I try alternative methods like my big dogs, and putting out scents that wild animals hate. I had a ground hog that I discouraged by putting lots of garlic in my garden. Little buggers do a lot of damage in one night. Spraying plants with hot pepper water and soap deters a lot of other would be plant eaters. Just have to keep it up after every rain.
    Star Gazer and Eric VW like this.
  15. DaveGunter


    Oct 5, 2013
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    Far Away Ranch, Meadowbrook Forest
    Sounds like the yotes are maybe getting a little too close but still have a healthy fear of you?, I'd lean toward leaving them alone or maybe invite the hunter friend with the dogs over and let him run the Yotes off a few times. There is no hunting on the Island I live on, deer and yote population is out of control, with 5 Hounds the yotes keep their distance oddly enough the deer still come pretty close.

    Goshawks, esp the Northern Goshawk can easily take a cat.
    Star Gazer and savemoney like this.
  16. Driver


    Nov 27, 2014
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    Have any coyote hunters in your area? Around here there are quite a few check the bulletin boards at local farm supply stores these guys are always looking for places hunt.
    Star Gazer likes this.
  17. gboutdoors


    Oct 3, 2014
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    S.E. Massachusetts
    Stop by your local butcher shop and get some free scrapes and bones put them in a bucket freeze with a chain or cable in it. Hook it up to a tree out back and get a driveway alarm from Harbor Freight on sale for $9.99 . This will let you know when mister coyote is eating. It has a 400' range so long as the view is clear to the house. Put your weapon of choice by the back door and sit back watch the Patriots play. Alarm sounds give Mr coyote a how do you do then back to the game.
  18. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    No offense taken. I only keep firearms around for self protection as well as to put a wider assortment of meat on the table. And for large wild predators that come too close to the house. I saw one of the coyote come though my front yard not 10 feet from the house last night at about 3:00am.

    The majority of the time I leave the animals be, that is unless they are being or known to be destructive like groundhogs. But I don't hunt, never been hunting. All of my kills have been from the deck or porch. And two from across the kitchen through the patio door. (closest groundhog-23 yards, closest deer-7 yards, closest squirrel-1 yard, closest rabbit-2 yards, etc.) I'm guessing they don't see me as a potential threat.

    I do understand not liking firearms especially after active duty. It's likely a contributing factor to the gift that keeps on giving. (PTSD) My circumstances were quite different but I also ended up with that same gift.

    Honestly, I would love to have a dog, a big dog, but I don't have the time right now to raise and train one. I'm sure that would help keep the large predators in check as well as other vermin.
    savemoney likes this.
  19. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I'm sure there are quite a few coyote hunters around. Add to it I recently heard there is a $100 bounty for each one.

    Really, I need to do this myself instead of having an outsider come in. Plus half the fun is figuring out how to manipulate (lure and bait) the coyote into a spot where I can take a well placed shot. I expect to take two of the animals, but if there are more, I'll keep taking them until there are none coming around.
    Driver likes this.
  20. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I really like that idea! :thumbs:
    gboutdoors likes this.