We woke up to -15c/5f This morning and a good dumping of snow. The house is empty but some lodgepole pine is keeping the house warm until I get back there this afternoon.
Ummm, no. The rain just turned to snow, it's not going to be pleasant for the next few days. I plowed slush when I got home, just to get the mush away from the drive. Planning on a "work-from-home-day" tomorrow, I think it's going to be nasty driving conditions. We'll see in the morning.
Yosemite's famous Wawona Tree was one that had so many pics of cars going thru it. It fell around 1970 . Pretty sure that one fell in flooded ground too. That tree that fell the other day was rotten when they cut the tunnel thru and was in decline then. Forecast was for 17ºF for the low tonight and it is already 5º. These are nights I wish the stove was bigger. The oil boiler comes on to heat the other end of the house.
26F & rising here. Snow overnite, changing to rain & 40 tomorrow. That's gonna get real messy methinks. Cherry in the furnace, sound familiar to any one?
Yep, same here 26F & rising . Snow overnite, changing to rain & 40 tomorrow. That's gonna get real messy. Ash n maple in the box
Temps actually got warmer overnight. Snow will start again today with some type of "warning/advisory/end of the world" alerts going on. What the heck is it with weather channels and news reporters constantly overcompensating anyway?? Sitting at 24 now!!!
Still a little chilly here. About 13 on the back porch. I'll be in and out all day today so I just loaded in some Pine I want to burn up. Overnight last night was straight hardwood mix of Ash and a couple nice size Maple splits.
2 here now, with 69 inside. Lots of coals from overnight with way too much ash. I desperately need to shut down & clean out the ashes, I'll do that this PM as it is supposed to start warming up. For now Oak, & more Oak.
Temp here this morning - 7° headed up to a balmy 30° loaded the oakleaf with ash and birch. Have a good day everyone!
So far they have the forecast correct for southern michigan; looks like the white stuff will all be gone within the next 2 days.. It is 29 here and pretty windy - just finished snow blowing the driveway pad and got several faces full of the invigorating white stuff ; looks like we have 3-4 inches so far, but hard to tell with the blowing. Load of silver maple chunks in the rock and currently 69 in the house. Nice to get these warmer temps, so much easier to keep the house temps up for me when not in the single digits. Enjoy the winter wonderland everyone and keep warm!
23 at 6 75 inside Dusting of snow overnite. these 7-10 day weather swings are getting a little redonkulous. 0-40's and 50's every 7 days is getting hard to adjust burn patterns. At 35 I could start the shoulder stove but I only have a facecord of shoulder wood under cover that Id rather save for spring.
Got down to 0ºF last night. That's pretty darn cold for here. 5º now. supposed to be 50º tomorrow. I see oak, cherry and birch in the wood bin for today.
Sitting at -27 C (-16 F) not counting wind, or -33 C (-27 F) with the wind. Poplar and pine in the reactor.
We are having the kind of day where the weather doesn't quite know what to do. We have had some sleet, snow, rain, back to snow and maybe some more rain or sleet later in the day. Gotta love Wisconsin winters.
4" of snow fell and now It's melting, 37 °F , High wind warning , 25 to 29 mph, with gusts as high as 41 mph Ash in the Lopi
Ended up with around 5" of heavy wind driven snow throughout the day so far. Not wet stuff, but heavy. Temps will be dropping again for a few days.