We had -1 this morning but having the P.S. set on manual and the W.S. having some nice sugar maple in it the basement was 83 and the sleeper was 73 this morning. I shut down the P.S. and then took some ashes out from the W.S., I left enough hot coals in it to start a fire with some cherry this morning, the basement is still 79. I plan on having another fire with some cherry and then change over to some better wood. We still will have more cherry left for some fires tomorrow and then..........hopefully it's all better wood.
Good eye! Got down to -1° overnight, but managed to keep the house about 70° warmer burning oak. Not used to such cold temps.
Currently 15 headed down to - 5. I'll load the stove a little later. We have a Christmas party down in N.Woodstock tonight, so hoping the house will stay warm until we get back.
A balmy 14° heading south, I'm afraid. I just tossed in some maple and oak, oh ya, whoever shook the snow globe can set it back down.
You are warmer in Homer than we are in southern Wisconsin. 12° here, burninating beech and sugar maple.
It's 8 degrees out and heading south, I just through five smaller cherry splits in.......that should get us to the overnight burn.
Cold, windy, and snowing all day here. Shoveled twice, that'll be enough for now. I think we did make it just above zero though it wasn't counting the wind chill temperature!
They say we're heading to -7 tonight (I think it will get colder) so I put the P.S. on manual a bit early. The overnight load will be Sugar and some Beech in the Liberty.
It is about 3° on the back porch at 07:45 PM. Ash, Pine, and Maple in the boiler. Time to charge the basement up with heat.
Boy. That's pretty good. I'm planning on doing a little "modifyin' " on mine, too. Afterburner tubes.