Initially that's what I thought but many years ago I discovered the opposite to be true instead. You can use Google search "Why is caffeine used in pain killers" and it will give you a whole slew of answers, with all of them agreeing that the caffeine increased the effectiveness of pain killers including aspirin. New review evidence shows caffeine makes painkillers more effective I knew a man who used to eat aspirin like they were going out of style and wash them down with Mountain Dew for years. Sometimes I really thought he was on speed or something. I don't know if it's related or associated, but he died at the ripe old age of 46, something like that. He had a massive coronary. His father died at the age of 56 of heart failure, but his mother died at age 82 who had fallen and never recovered. So it's hard to tell if it was genetics or something else. Or if it was associated with the excess amounts of aspirin he consumed on a daily basis for years and years.
been drinking coffee since I was 3 think it was called cremora.. mom family I swear thinks it's what you ween kids with... I always chuckle it well stunt your growth.. I am shortest male a 6"1' always remember walking to gramps house and having coffee and cinnamon donuts with him! umm I would not like to think of my ability to drive early or late without 1
So, he was driving erratically and cut off a cop. Maybe a mom with a couple kids in the car too. Maybe smartmouthed the cop or otherwise gave him/her a hard time. A cop can easily bust your ballz in return by writing a ticket that you have to show up in court for. Hire a lawyer and take a day off from work. Then not show up at the hearing so it gets dismissed. Still costs ya.
State Troopers don't even have to appear in court anymore in NY. You deal with the DA, they cut you your "deal" that you can't refuse and pay your fine. Done deal.