I dropped this brute today, been wanting to do it for some time, she threw down the hill toward the creek just dandy.....can ya tell what it is?
I am no expert by any means, in fact I am very new at all of this, but In my humble inexperienced opinion, I think it might have been a tree.
Good guess autotech--I need to touch and smell it to make a final decision....guessing sycamore--where are you that it's still autumn?
By your jug and brush I am guessing its something you don't want around. Kinda looks like Tree of Heaven.
South Central Pennsylvania, near the Mason Dixon Line, where the Armies of the Potomac and Northern Virginia had a little tussle
Right on brother, , ailanthus, jug and brush a dead giveaway, I cut the stump off and hit it immediately with 100% glyphosate.....we'll see what that does for it. I have a 16 inch bar, I'd say the diameter of this puppy was just that, 16 inches. I counted the rings and came up with what I think is 30 or so.
I will have to check with you this summer on your results. I have several groves of the stuff that I need to get rid of. I treated a few stumps after cutting this summer. I also used the hack and squirt method with good results in early Fall. I haven't tackled the brutes yet!
I've been seeing the sprouts the past summer or two, and was just too dense to ID the source tree, but when I finally figured it out I knew this parent tree only had a short time to live. My hope is the glyphosate treatment kills it all off, we'll see. If not, I tent to be a determined S.....O......a monkey's uncle. Heck, I removed all the multiflora rose off this property, one heavenly tree don't stand a chance
I thought that you needed to cut and poison the stump when it was warmer out and the tree was actively growing for most effectiveness. Those TOH roots are pretty tough. I had a one removed from my backyard 2 yrs ago, did not use anything on it then and had a lot of sprouts this year.
Yeah these trees are like zombies. You can't kill them. We had one taken down between us and the neighbours. Root system was producing new sprouts into October!!
Well Kimberly, I do think it would be most appropriate to change the name for sure! And indeed, as stated above, it is best to apply glyphosate during periods of growth. I'll have to wait and see just what the results are having cut the thing down today and applied the poison in the off season......hopefully it'll kill it dead !!!
Looks like hickory to me, as best I can tell. The center does not seem dark enough, but the bark looks like hickory.