Ya'll know how much I hate coffee, but seriously? A DUI for drinking coffee? A Man in California Is Fighting a Caffeine DUI, and the State Won't Back Down I think the guy is going to win this one.
FWIW, this was northern California, which really should be a separate state than southern California.
Caution! This product contains caffeine which is known to the state of California......... Do you ever wonder how a state can be so smart? It's not the people, it's the state itself that knows all these dangerous substances . The mind wobbles.
You guys drinkin' Mt. Dew better stay away from Cali too. Uh, Coca Cola and quite a few other "sodas" also have caffeine in 'em. What a bunch of dopes. Be afraid, be very afraid.
There's less caffeine in a MTN dew than in even regular coffee, but still. Yeah, this guy better win the case otherwise the wrong precedent will have been set .
Tea also has caffeine, albeit in lesser amounts than regular coffee. Better empty the fridge and cupboard right now.....the loonies are watching. It also depends how it's brewed. We were at my eldest daughter's this past weekend, and man does she ever make strong coffee. I usually drink 1/2 caff nowadays, but that stuff had me wired. Wired for me only means there was less nappage than usual.
I understand that you can also buy water that has caffeine added. Must drive those idiots crazy out there.
"Out there", and "that place" could be your locality soon. I hope there's no chance of that happening.
Be careful of certain medications as they also have caffeine in them including most brands of Aspirin! Why? Because it enhances the effectiveness of those medications! I consume at least a gallon a day of coffee, much stronger than most can tolerate and have never had it impair anything I might be doing. Plus it gives my heart a jump start first thing in the morning! From the description of the drivers actions according to the LEO, I would bet the driver was under the influence of 'Texting while Driving" instead of the amount of caffeine in the coffee he had in his system.
However that isn't why he got a ticket. In California there's a strict and easily issued ticket for any non hands free cell use. Since the state isn't going after that, and instead after caffeine influencing his driving, that's all they can go after.