I didn't see this posted. But for you guys who didn't get to attend. You should put the 2nd annual mastermind gtg on your list. The first one was nothing short of awesome.
Getting to run some of the Miller mod saws was part of the fun for me. All 3 of the models I ran were very strong.
Looks like a great time! I hope there is another one next year. As I had no idea about this one. Attended 5 GTG's and no word.
I'm not sure it was posted here or not. There was quite a lot of mention of it over at OPE forum though.
It was good.. The Mo chainsaw mafia had a good day over the blocks. I'm thinkin we may be in Ohio come March.
Ohio eh..... I've been known to haunt those parts..... post up the dates so is long distance guys can schedule vacation time accordingly!
Planning a March 25th gtg. I live in Wakeman, Ohio, which is pretty close to Norwalk. It will be a race GTG. Plan to have 8x8, 10x10 and a few 12x12 poplar cants for racing 0-45 cc, 0-3.1ci, 0-4ci, 0-5ci, 0-6 CI and an unlimited class. 0-6 cube saws to be stock appearing, mufflered on pump gas saws. We will have a winners and losers bracket in each cube category to race in finals. Still up for debate on exact racing format. Ie over block, warm start or potentially some cold starts. Thinking about having each contestant throw $5-10 into a hat to go to the winner for each class. (Up to participant). Any feedback would be appreciated and as we get closer more information will be forthcoming. Also will need to get a head count as we go, so I might start a gtg thread if needed.
OK. I'm new to this site. I've search but can't find what a "gtg" is. Sounds like a social event of some sort. Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk