It's about 21 out so I loaded the liberty up with some mixed splits (cherry & maple) on top of some nice coals. The pellet stove has been off since this morning..........just waiting for another cold snap and then we'll use it again orrrrrrrrrr if the boss wants it on with the wood stove we'll burn a bag.
24 out, burnin boxelder, ash and a couple pieces of oak. Only got 3 inches of new snow low 14 tonight
Up around 36 and some misty rain just a couple small silver maple splits without the afterburner in gear to dry the damp out
About 18 on the back porch now. Possible light snow and some freezing rain over night. Not much though. Thankfully! Pine and Elm in the boiler. I still have a little stacking to do under there.
Current temp 16°F and supposed to rise. We received around 7" of snow today, with freezing rain tonight, heavier freezing rain by daybreak, so hopefully it's not really bad...... rain, sleet, and snow expected tomorrow as well with a high of 41°F, then dropping at night back down to 11°F - what a roller coaster of weather and temps. Any-hoo.... Burning the usual load.
It warmed up up to -24 C and dead calm this afternoon. It's about the same now and some wind. One more ugly night and hopefully back to seasonal temps. Poplar, same as every other time!
Yup, junk weather. We'll see though. I don't think our temps will drop rise enough, but we'll see in the a.m.
We had some serious dip in temp yesterday. -15 or so. Spent a good part of today getting the wife's car started. House stayed warm with my usual cherry, elm and maple. Must confess, I'm moving from strictly wood to a mix of wood and propane. I've got a propane furnace that I need to get into the basement and installed. Tanks are full and ready to go. Unfortunately, age and health are both getting in the way of me being strictly wood for the future.
More snow overnight and the winds will pick up as they change direction. This, combined with below zero temps, will make for nasty overnight conditions! Haven't heard many snowmobilers yet....I think they are still only the local ones.
That's the real problem, it's never the snow. It's the frozen mess/hard as concrete ice that follows. Ugh.
We got 5" here, added to the 4 or 5" from the other day, with temps. in the mid twenties, so no rain yet. The snow was all fluffy powder, yea!. Snowblowed everything clear to prevent freezing mess later on the areas that need to be kept open.
Temps have been in the low 20's to low 30's most of the week,we're now paying for our 2nd warmest November on record Freezing rain/sleet/snow started yesterday afternoon,some of the guys live 30-45 minutes from work (not me thankfully) so we all left early.Mix continued overnight,very slick roads in some areas most around town weren't real bad,thanks to the snow plow drivers pre treating major most routes with a brine on Thursday. More snow this afternoon,about 2 inches total.Hit the high for the day before 9AM @16 degrees.Its 3 above right now,-16 windchill.Supposed to drop to -10 by sunrise,high tomorrow of 8 if we're lucky.Burning a mix of some 4yr old Mulberry,3yr old White Oak & a few 4 yr old Honey Locust slabs/scrap pieces. 79 down here,will probably turn in early tonight,been fighting that damm bronchitis for 2+ weeks,it never went away entirely.Most of the guys on my small crew have been sick off & on also. That's one bad thing about working at a hospital remodel/addition,even though we've been inside for several months,we're vulnerable to whatever bugs are going around with the patients/hospital employees.....At least when I work mostly outside this time of year I almost never get sick.....Ooooops that Nyquil/bourbon/large meal combo made me ramble on once again....
We got about 5-6 inches of snow last night and today. Temps were in the low teens today but they are going down to mid teens below zero tonight with highs in the single digits below zero. Should be hitting close to 30 on the good side by Tuesday. I will be burning a little bit of oil with these cold temps.