24f tonight and the wind is picking up a bit, the jotul has the house cruising at 74 since 3:30pm, gonna put a load of ash in after the game those chiefs looking good. Gotta take the twins for their 8 yr old check up tomorrow and then a Christmas for work tomorrow night. Should see some snow Sunday night
And avoid touching the dogs! Nothing worse than 4 legged furball sneaking in for a hug and snap from static when you touch their ears or whatever.
I find when I push the stove, I get to the low 30's for humidity, and I start shocking the dogs, shocking myself, the spousal unit etc. Mine usually hangs around 40-44 % and it doesn't seem too dry. The oil furnace is another matter, the air just feels dry like you're bound for a nose bleed.
21f in P ossum Hollow , and I give up. Standing dead red oak in the Princess . it's spitting snow outside and I'm about to go downstairs, load up the Hastings, and turn on the telly.
Yeah I totally agree brother. Truth is we worked all day and had the stove going all out and the work horse humidifier was neglected. I picked up a 1995 sears humidifier from one of the properties I was selling last winter and its about the only thing that makes a serious dent in our humidity. If I have it going all out I can get it up to about 30-35% in a 2 level 13oo sqft x 2 level house when its this cold. The pot on the stove doesn't help but we tend to have humidifiers around the house to try and help things. Ill compare when the weather warms up and see if it goes up a bit. Lots of my friends and colleagues are dealing with chapped lips, bleeding knuckles and the like. I remember my parents being out here one winter (they are from Vancouver BC where like seatle the humidity is almost always close to 99%) We had a humidifier going in the kitchen, a pot of pasta boiling away on the stove and a house full of family breathing. Dad was amazed that the inside of our windows weren't dripping with moisture. I know that this is an indication of air leaks in the house but from what I gather from friends and neighbors our house doesn't share some of the characteristics of some of the porous homes around here. Edit fyi we have outdoor air to the stove.
We had a big ol' humidifier growing up, one that had the slowly turning "belt/mat" which dunked down into a trough/tank... it was one of my chores to keep that tank full. Man, did I catch all get out if I let that thing run dry!
lol poor guy, probably the punishment didnt fit the crime in your eyes back then. I had lots of the same kinds of things when I was young where I thought, what the heck, was what I did really that bad?? We definitely all have memories from our childhood that we will never forget eh?
21f right now at 6:35am the house is 72f gonna put another few pieces of ash and maple ..have a great day FHC Family and stay safe and warm..
Oil this morning . I fell asleep a little early last night and didn't get a good timed reload in ol grandma. Woke up with the house a little chilly so "click" went the thermostat.