In the 20s and windy all day. Dropping to the teens tonight. Brought home some more mulberry, Apple, locust and stacked in the wood shed (someone hasn't got that done yet...bad Schlot). Brought some of it in and mixed it with the elm ash already in the house. Will throw some of the good stuff in before bed. 80 in the stove room, no shoes or socks tonight.
Friday and Saturday night, we'll see lows in the single digits. Until then, will continue with a mix of hard and soft wood. Gasifier ......... your always giving us your back porch temps. What about your front porch?
Im usually without socks or pants in the stove room... yes I put on shorts. -19c/-2f larch and birch were just loaded to the baffle for the overnight burn. Tundra gets to sleep in the house tonight. Wifes orders. When the scheduled forecast is lower than -25c we let her sleep in the house. Huskies can handle it but ours spends part of her time with us in the house, often in the rec/stove room so we worry her coat isnt as robust as a full time outdoor husky.
32 and light snow early this morning. Ash in the boiler. Looks like a little colder temps coming Friday and Saturday.
They are always a little warmer temps. Definitely something a little off with one of them. Probably which ever one is made in NH.
Feels like 3 with a temp in the high teens now. Obviously, still windy. Temps may sneak into the low 20's today, I kinda doubt it as the wind is trending to shift direction from yesterday. Oak going in the OWB
I have to agree with ya there. The one in the back shows i need a lawn chair and a beer. Loaded the oakleaf this morning with birch maple and pine. We're about mid twenties.
I remember back in the early 80's, I had a German Shepherd that spent her life outside. I had to take her in to the Vet (got into the wrong end of a porcupine). I asked him if it was ok to leave her outside all the time and he said absolutely. Apparently, the problem was that if you had your dog inside too much, the coat would not thicken up properly as the dog would be used to the warm temps. Now I have an old Beagle that spends her retirement keeping the front of the hearth clean.