Yes... Randy sharted, and DSS left some stuff over in the corner... I hope Scotty and Dexter got a scoop shovel with the web site deal...
CAD I can explain because firewood keeps us warm and the oil man at bay. Milling looks expensive but fun. But that will lead me to a bigger tractor, and then I'd need a bigger shed for storage, so might as well just build a garage, and then...
i get a lot of flat firewood also from all the wane off the edges ,had to put a pickup load in a bonfire last week to get rid of some ,i am getting a rather large collection of sawdust also ,i can get 4-5 large wheelbarrow loads in a day sometimes
People talk about buying those slabs on boards. You can't sell a truck load for like $20-50 or something or you dont want folks at your place ?
i,m sure i could get something for firewood ,but they are usually soaking wet from a fresh tree fall ,and all odd sizes ,there is lots of firewood for sale here in my area so no one really messed with junk scraps , plus they help get bonfire started when burning up the limbs off the trees
Is that a norwood porta-mill?? How do you like it? How long to mill boards out of an 18-24" pine? Details, details I need to details man.
its green the best kind. Thats what most went "that good green wood"??? You could drop it off at my friends house. They dont want to buck and split their wood to early as it dries out and burns to fast ?