29 Windy First white chit of the season. 5" All the shoulder wood I have on deck is 5-6 years dry , no bark , and literally brown in color and for the most part unidentifiable . Prolly IIRC mostly beech, maple,cherry and locust,
It was 36 this morning, more cherry. Our plan is to stay with the cherry until the minus weather hits.
Well it was in the 70s yesterday. Got out, split some maple (love it for smoking salmon, but this stuff was so gnarly that I currently feel like I never want to put a wedge to it again) then started clearing brush. Mid-afternoon the wind started picking up from the cold front moving in. I don't know what the temp is, but somewhere around "the hell with it, I'm going inside" is pretty close. Stove full of pine, toasty warm inside. I used pine to get my three year plan started because it dries quickly. I may have overestimated how much I need, but I am definitely well over three years up at this point and am putting up mostly oak right now.
Currently we're at upper 30's, temps expected to drop throughout the day with winds picking up. WC around 10°F tonight with snow. Kicked on the pellet stove earlier, will run the woodstove with a bigger load this evening.
Windchill is supposed to get it down to -10c tonite and its -3c right now. Maple in the box and 20cm more of this stuff that's just started.
Just got home from deer camp, didn't get one, only a hangover. Opening weekend is usually more of a party anyways. Got the Napoleon full of cherry, about 35 out. Suppose to get down to about 25. Family and football time.
the woodlands, it's snowing downstate. On and off all day. Down to 33°. Fire going all day. It's 76 on the first floor with the stove one room away. Must be nice in the bedrooms. Might have to take a nap.
Snowing at a good clip asst the moment, temps 32°F, dropping down to 25°F with gusty winds, real feel tonight, 10° Dawn making tacos tonight, this should keep the temps up tonight
Well, the fraction of an inch to 10" forecast wound up exactly as expected... With 10". Went to my mother's house a couple towns over with the snowblower to do cleanup, and found 2" that had melted already on the paved areas. Furnace was due for a filter anyway, so it wasn't a wasted trip. Loaded the owb with a bunch of maple and poplar, switched to snows and did front brakes on my commuter car, moved some snow, took delivery from a wonderful relative of a crib for the soon to be new addition... Now it's time to relax. It's amazing how productive Sundays can be when the Patriots are on NFL Network instead of regular TV!
Around 30 here, wife's at home burning some ash and maple... I got to go into work again and spend the night outside
Snowing heavily here! Radar not showing anything, but these systems tend to get into a traffic jam just west of the big presidentials, which is where we sit. I wonder how much we'll get...... will load the stove for an overnight in a couple of hours.
Been blowing all day in and around 60-70khr and it's about 17F burning poplar and some punky silver and ash. Just to keep the chill off.
Right now I just loaded 6 splits of black oak that's been CSS for almost 6 years. I guess I'm ahead of the game by 8 or 9 years.
22° in Tomahawk Wi, burning norway pine in the wood boiler. All three fan coils are blowing out good heat. Not having to burn LP in either the gas boiler or the jotul Allagash is a good thing. My wife surely has a basswood fire going on the quadrafire back home. Weather channel says it's 26 outside air temp. I'm sure the dogs are keeping her warm if the fire isn't. She's said the basswood has been going great the last 2 nights, so I can't imagine it wouldn't be. I've had her throw on a split or 2 of beech to keep coals overnight. She's getting proficient with the stove.