My sister and BIL have been burning a Harman TL-300 for several years and love it.. They always burn wet wood (of course I told them not to but they have been burning for 25 years and know it all) so it is what it is! Thinking you'll do well with this stove and good dry wood! Stove looks great and like new! That was one one hell of a deal
E/W- same as castine N/S- about the same, a little less toward the top Height - seems much taller than the castine. I think the height will play a role along with a super clean burn.
That looks really great Well Seasoned's almost impossible to feel right without a way to burn a stove in the winter.....glad you landed on all this and you are good to go.
Thanks - it's definitely testing my stove skills! Just starting to get an idea of how to run this...... might take a little while. Originally I was nervous getting the stack temps high enough to close down the bypass damper in order to get the fire dome system running at peak performance. I'm getting there though. Kinda weird in my opinion, running efficiently means, you really don't see a fire at all. I see a glow coming from the bottom of the fire box, and a whoosh of flame every once and awhile. If I was just buying a stove outright, I would have steered clear of complicated combustion systems. I'm an ease of use type of person, simpler is better. Knowing I may need to fork out hundreds of dollars for a combustion package makes me cringe, but i suppose there will be money savings burning less wood, with a cleaner environment!
Just a fantastic deal you got there on the stove and the wood. And, a great job on the install. We've been lucky it has been unseasonably warm the last week or two. I will be up that way, weather permitting the weekend just after Thanksgiving and hope to see your set up in person.
I'm with you on that, maybe in a couple of years you can sell it and get something different. For now though, that deal was too good to pass up
Deifinitely welcome to swing over! I can show you around, and If you need a hand with anything, im 20 min away!
I think once a get the learning curve, things will run smooth. Im thinking of getting a backup combustion system just to have on hand. The cost should be less working for a harman dealer.
Behind the shoe brick is a combustion package. Harman's cat like piece that fits in the back of the stove behind the scenes. They last up to 5 years, and it would be nice to have a backup one.
Beautiful stove and install!!! Glad you got the wood stove this year! You got a great deal brother. Congrats With the pellet stove and that woodstove? I'd say you're gooder to go!! As for the OAK? I still say to do it! It never hurts, and only helps! In any install
Thanks man! Feels great to be all set! I gotta finish up with the wood before this possible weather comes in this weekend
So, I haven't had a chance to really burn this Harman oakleaf yet, but I am tonight. So far, my results are...... - load stove, get a coal bed going, this happens within 20 minutes from a cold start with kindlin and small splits, slowly reducing primary air down to about half. - load medium and larger splits, and within about 10 minutes, the flue temps are approaching 700°F, close damper. The venting is redirected through the combustion package in the back of the stove, flu temps drop and stove temps rise, no smoke from the chimney. I haven't run a full load yet, but I can already guarantee 12 hours of steady heat from a 1.7cft firebox. I will pull this thing apart this weekend to clean out the combustion system. I feel it needs to breathe better than it is now.
We had a processing party this morning just before the rain hit. I managed to split the big chit, while Matt tossed them to me, and lovely Dawn stacked. It took an hour and a half, mostly in the pouring rain, but this needed to get done before the it changes to all snow later today, with up to 6" expected. Now that it's clear in the back, I can plow. There is still another 1.3 cords in the front off the driveway that I will start tackling tomorrow.