We had a customer switching from a wood stove to a gas stove. I helped with the install and found that the customer wanted to sell his fairly new Harman Oakleaf, with pipe and 3.5 cords of seasoned wood, all for $1000 bucks. We inspected the stove and it's in fine shape, so i pulled the trigger! I have the stove at the shop, need to order a hearth board and plan on picking up the wood tomorrow. It will take me 45 min per load x3 loads, but well worth it for the deal. I did snap a pic of the stove.
I'll also add, that although there is only a 1.7cu in firebox, the burn time is up to 17 hours of even heat with the 2 combustion cycles.
thats great ,i recall you said you were starting a new job ,do you have stuff other than stoves where you work ? if you were a little closer i could help with some wood ,things are falling into place for you up there
There has been talk of incorporating FHC with what I will be doing, but this will be down the road a bit.
We are a Harman, PE, Morso dealer, along with mfg fireplaces, etc. Hearth pads, all the piping, CI goodies, mantles, etc. The original plan was setup a woodstove in the spring, but without one, I feel naked. I'll be getting 3.5 cords of seasoned wood, so I'm happy and set for this year. Now I can continue to process for next year and the year after. Wood is very expensive up here, so I got an amazing deal.
Wow ,that's a really good deal and a perfect for you with the wood, congrats A Quick search, I found the stove at $2300
Yea, base price is $2300...... mixed reviews online, and mostly user error. When the cat like part finally fails after 5 to 6 years, I can get it replaced at cost, so that's good.
$ 825.00+here Basically getting the stove and stove pipe for $275 bucks! Wood is expensive because the shavings are used for power, then pellets etc. Lots of log trucks running around. Selling firewood is the least of their concerns up here since they make good money other ways. So, price for wood goes up
the seasoned firewood is worth a grand here so bought wood and got stove and pipe for free with some labor that's a win win!
Helluvagooderdeal! So, will this be used as a backup type deal or additional to something else in the house? I don't remember if you mentioned what kind of heat you have at the new place.
I only got the stove pipe and the cap. We used the existing class A for the new gas stove, lined for exhaust and inlet air within the class A. I should be able to get the class A I need at cost, as well as the ceiling support. I know, and the fact that it's seasoned is a bonus, meaning I can burn this season!
We have a pellet stove and oil backup. This will offset the cost of oil/kero too when it's real cold. The ducting runs along the water line, so this will help against frozen water pipes.
I think..... There is a cat like piece in the rear on the bottom. Front or top load with a bypass damper