23 degrees this morning. Frost covering everything on the worksite. A mix of Ash, Maple, and some Cherry in the boiler.
What a lovely surprise, waking up this morning and checking the forecast: date Detailed Forecast Today: Cloudy. Wet snow beginning late this afternoon. Wind becoming east 20 km/h late this morning. High plus 4. Tonight: Wet snow changing to periods of rain overnight. Local snowfall amount 2 to 4 cm. Wind east 20 km/h becoming light after midnight. Low plus 1 with temperature rising to plus 4 by morning. Oh I can't wait until I have to go outside at 6 in the morning, with snow up to my knees, struggling to open a frozen car door, sitting on a frozen car seat to start a frozen engine, scraping off frozen windows, and driving to hell (work). And I get the privilege to do it until April. Well at least I only have to do it 3 times a week, ain't (semi) retirement grand? Bring it on baby!
44 and rain/drizzle here; 73 inside (just closed a couple windows as it had climbed to 76 ). Burning a load of Silver Maple. I used to keep the house at 69-71 with the old stove ... with the new stove looks like I'll be in the 73-74 range this winter ... who knows where this trend will stop .
Cleaned the stove and chimney today temps down to 46 and raining. Just started the first fire of the season. White Pine then a few small RedOak splits to top it off. Did not take long to drive the damp feeling from the house and these old bones. Checked and first fire last year was on the 26 one day earlier.
I was asking what brand of motor cycle? I vaguely remember seeing a pic of a Harley, no? Just trying to verify if you have one or not....
46,damp and dropping right now. New stove doing good right now. Very low fire and it is up to 71 in the house.
32 this evening and staying around there. Slowly warming to about 40 here tomorrow. I don't know what will be better! The snow now or the rain tomorrow! Can't wait! An all nighter here I guess. About 12" across. 20" long. Too much knot to be splitting by hand in the basement. Burn it the way it is! Steady..... And there, an all nighter!
44° here, burning a half load of basswood in the quadrafire. Kind of an odd pic, but we're nice and toasty watching the NFL game.
Skiing is very expensive now. I used to go to indianhead up in the UP and it was no more than 30 for a day pass. I recall 25 dollars as a college student, but now it's $65 a day on the weekends. Uggg.
It's 49 degrees here at the house, and all I'm burning so far is propane. And this is only the 3rd day of that. No wind means not much heat loss for me, so not chilly enough for wood or pellets. Sort of looking forward to firing the stoves up, but I'm also liking this warm autumny weather.