You are absolutely right. At the camp I work at...a scant 7 miles from home...they never got frost either, but if you knew where I lived you would understand. I am 700 feet above sea level so we get early frosts here (and wind...did I mention plenty of wind? I can see Mount Washington some 150 miles away and there is no stopping the wind from here to there either!
No fire for a few days ,44 out , 64 inside , time to put a little mix in and fire it up. Cloudy today hi 50
Ok men, tomorrow morning it will be. Going to get down to the lower 40s in the morning, so when I wake up, the first fire of the season will commence. The menu: some cherry with just a taste of white oak, all 2.5 years old. I'm so glad I found this group, in that I thought I was the only person in the world who would go outside once or twice a day to gaze at a stack of firewood. Firewood and duck hunting are the keys to a happy life.
We have ignition! First fire if the season. Gonna hit about 40 tonight. 3 pieces of silver maple feeding the cat for now, I'll load up with some ash for the overnight.
Going down to 32 tonight, Hickory, Oak and ash on deck. Don't freak out I'm burning that this early it's just chunks and eyeballs
If the weather holds true to the forecast, it looks like a few weeks of 0 to +5 C (30 to 40 F) lows and highs. Maybe I'll burn something exotic, like a mix of ash and chokecherry.
Well it would be for me! Ive never had a piece of ash before......... but have had some chokecherry once or twice.
Yeah I bet wet oak doesnt burn to well. If I was closer I would gladly help out. Probably just have to go out to the woods together and drop a few standing deads.
I got plenty of dry wood but, I got about 4 Cords of Oak this summer that's going to take a looooong looooong time to dry. I got some dead dry hung up poplars in the woods I need to get out
Yeah I guess you need patience for that. How long do you think it will take, 3 summers? Since we burn the kind of wood that we do seasoning wood that long is unheard of. I feel that Im the exception in my area that thinks larch should have 2 summers from green.
42* here this AM, stove is choochin on a big Ash split, some Pine, and some Ash bark...can you say "secondary burn action"?!
The weather man lied, it went down to -5 C (22? F). We also have freezing fog, so it looks kind of like Silent Hill. If you've seen the movie you'll catch the reference.