I still can't light the first fire of the season. Going to 76° tomorrow and 80° on Tuesday. I have no idea what's going on.
Actually had a nice fall day here until an hour ago. Fri was cold and very windy all day and night with a fire in the 13 at the cottage, no worries! Sat was drizzly all day but a bit warmer. Still got a buttload of work done getting it ready for winter. Sun was bright sunshine calm lake. Upper 50's now.
Had the stove cooking yesterday and woke up at midnite sweating like I was cutting wood in the sun in July Al. Will be leaving it off for the next few days for sure.
Some violent T-storms with lots of lightening rolled through but the temps are still mild for this time of year. Even made the power burp once. Laying in bed listening to the wind driven rain made me glad that it wasn't snow!
Supposed to be close to 80 today before falling back to more normal temps later in the week. No fire today.
Wicked hot here too...I have a bad head cold but jumped on th bike and rode a little...Feeling better now...
There was a bunch of storms up north of here, has been raining quite a bit here but no rain today. 77 degrees
Yep, been raining on and off since last night. Sun peeked out for a hot minute, then unappeared. I spent some time laying down grass seed and topsoil, then went in the shop for a bit when it started sprinkling.
It was very muggy here, I stopped behind a store and snatched up some pallets, got home was hardly doing anything and was sweating like crazy
Last time I was in Indiana I got the worst sunburn of my entire life, but some of that was on the motorcycle ride down there and back
Wow, you aren't far from where I am, yet we didn't get a frost until a couple days ago. One frost so far, and this is Oct 17th.