This is from he scenic overlook on Route 95 near Millinocket, Maine last Sunday. By the time I got into mid New Brunswick everything was pretty close to peak.
I added some pictures to the other fall foliage thread below as well...... Foliage Report | Page 5 | Firewood Hoarders Club
The views came with the property, but we have been slowly taking down small chit to get a better view yet.
We have little to no vista from my home. When the leaves fall, we can see off into the woods. Here is a view from the front of our home. Looking up the road that leads to our home. We are on a dead end road.
I cant get the image to load....... We are at the end of a dead end road, along with our neighbor higher up.
Some nice pictures Well Seasoned I especially like the wide angle ones. what kind of camera was that taken on?
In north central Mass this year it is a very mixed bag, the low lands and swampy areas are the glorious reds they usually are, and the east facing slops that get more sun range from nice bright colors to dull orange/brown, due to lack of water and the drought. The west facing slopes have barely changed at all. As I traveled up north in NH to visit Woodstock Soapstone this week-end it was the same. However, this little corner of the world is still beautiful this time of year and I did capture a few pretty spots all within a 1/2 mile of my house when I go out for my walks and take the camera along. (mind you, no dull drought pictures and I could have gotten many of those too) I also won a raffle. Which is the first one.
Pretty good phone I would say! Most of our leaves will be off today since we got 2 inches of snow and counting since last night. The larch trees are quite pretty though.
The higher summits has snow and ice yesterday. The first two pics are from about the halfway point of Mount Washington. Summit conditions were 35° with 50+mph winds and a WC of 19°F