An early snap of winter ish weather started yesterday. Rain turned into sleet, and then snow by about supper time yesterday. Temps are hovering right around freezing, so it actually looks worse than it feels. Weather bouncing between -4 C to +3 C over the next four days.
70 and beautiful. Pruned my shrubs and annuals today. Got a new chain for the saw, so next week it's time to add to my supply...
High mid 50's today with the next two nights in low to mid 30's. I'll be burning some ash these evenings. Will try and remember to post some pics! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I forgot a pic while there was active flames. But here's a good stove pic for ya on this cold and wet evening. Plenty warm in here, though I'll stoke er up a bit before bedtime. Family is happy that warmth is being fed up to their rooms. It's a basement stove, but the box over the top feeds the return air on the forced air furnace. Seems to spread the heat quite well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's been perfect weather to burn off all the small ugly wood (all those football and cantalope size chunks) I seem to end up with in the bush. If I cut it, I take it lol
The lowest we've been so far this season is 50F. No fire yet but the weather guru's are calling for overnight lows in the low to mid 40's for next week. That just might bring on the first burn.
Fourth fire this fall. Last couple days it just cracked the 50s and dropped to near freezing. 2 morning fires and 2 evening fires just to warm her up a bit. Mix of linden, silver maple and dash of pine.