We struggled up to 8c/46f today with it holding at around 6c/43f for most of the day. It was a damp, drizzly kind of a day with low lying clouds and snow on the peaks. House was cold so I lit a fire once I got home from work. The fall colours are beautiful right now.
I would for sure love some pictures of the fall colours and the landscape! I just love this time of year!
I'm getting there slowly. It's 53 this morning, should be there before you know it. Looking forward to the cool temps so I can start splitting and cutting . Enjoy your day fellas, stay warm for those that started burning already...
Its looking like we might be done with temps in the 70's for awhile now. Highs will only be in the 60's and 50's for the next week.
We are still seeing 27/80f here feeling hotter but looks like it will start going down to mid 60's next week.
Its pretty rainy and grey here today but nice weather is on its way so Ill post some pictures soon. We are mostly coniferous forests out here but we have larch trees that have just started turning. There is also enough deciduous trees to make it pretty though. I was going to resurrect a thread on fall colours from last year but maybe its best to start a new one showing this years trees in all their splendor!
We hit 83 today so about the only things we did were some a.m. food inventory shopping, put the wood in the racks we brought in yesterday and covered just under 1.22 cord that we'll burn, we have had another 1.22 cord top covered all summer that we planned on burning first.
The cooler weather will feel nice. After this weekend I can spend more time in the woods but starting in October, I really can spend a chit load of time in the woods. We usually take time for a trip to see the fall colors but from the looking at our woods they won't be that great. I'm wondering if we'll lose any trees from this dry spring/summer/fall, we'll find that out in a couple of years.
We'll see upper 20's Sunday night......... I just missed out on a well priced jotul fishingpol found for sale!
Hi Viking80 you may have already noticed but theres a thread started call foliage report that some of us have been posting pics on. Foliage Report | Firewood Hoarders Club
I have seen that over and over esp. with maples. Once they get severely stressed, they may come back for a couple years, but the you see the tops start to die, and limbs fallen. Soon, they are all but dead. No bringing them back. I have two of them doing that now. We had some very hot weather a couple years back. the maple leaves on the sunny side got sunburned and fell off. The last couple years, the leaves on that side of the trees have been small and fall off early. Now the limbs are dying. I'll need to have those removed in the near future. There is an ash rapidly growing under one of them. I could leave that to grow in their place, but I am not sure an ash is a good yard tree. At my age, I think I'll let the ash continue to grow so at least I'll have a chance of seeing it get some size on it.
Looks like the forecast will be a little cooler than first predicted. It is raw, still damp from the morning rain. Stove is running.
supposed to get down to 30s Saturday night but house is 67 right now actually still in window and windows still open... but if my wife says she cold I will light a fire and leave window open..... honey can I get ya a glass of wine?
Finally it looks like this summer heat is about to break. About 5:30 a front came through , clouded up and dropped 15 degrees. Forecast is mid 60s next 10 days. I'll take it ,,,,,maybe I can get this heat rash cleared up.