I just did a total tally and I have used 100 to date since October 1st. About on par so far. Maybe a few more than the last few. But I haven't kept very good to date records. More a season total is all. About 175 to 180 for the last few seasons. Its has been colder than normal, So I'll make sure to have a few extra in the boxstore cheap stack JIC!
I just compared this years January usage (53 bags) to the past 2 years. Used 12 more bags than '12-13, and 14 more than '11-12
I'm down to a 1/2 ton now, have to start thinking about picking up some pellets from TSC or Home Depot pretty soon. It's been pretty mild here lately so the pellet stove has been running sparingly the last few days. I've burned 2-1/2 tons since November but that was keeping the cellar at a whopping 75° for the most part. Next season I'll keep it about 68°~70°, 3 tons should do the trick for that temperature.
Well today is Candlemas Day and we should have one half of our winter supplies of fuel, animal fodder, and provisions left. Today marks the 151st bag of pellets starting into the hopper, according to the charts and all other such stuff I should be looking at burning a full six tons of pellets this season.. We will see. Speaking of seeing, how is Phil doing today?
I've run 87 bags through the stove so far this year, stash is at 45 bags . I'll need another 20 -25 to make it through the season.
Oh yeah Like to add some this week , but all the local big boxes are out ,gonna stop at my local stove shop on my way home from work to see what they have.
20-25 for the rest of the year? I'm worried my 2 plus tons won't be enough. Supposed to go below 0 again next weekend.
You got it Steve , I'm hopping for some Turman's or at least some O'malleys, burned them early in the season a decent middle of the road pellet.